Chapter 54: an early labour and birth

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General POV: 2 months later

A couple of months later, Sophie had nearly come to the end of her pregnancy. Despite the events of the last few months, she had come out on top, stayed strong and made sure that nothing caused her to go into early labour or have a miscarriage.

She is now on maternity leave. Sophie decided it was best to go on maternity leave instead of going back to work for like 1 day and going off again or being put on desk duty because the baby got in the way. Plus, desk duty drives her more crazy than the others. Plus, with a baby inside her kicking her like mad when she's sat down, no wonder she hates desk duty

The house was fairly quiet this morning. Sophie and Sonny had the week off so they decided to take the kids down to the beach for the day. And what's a better way to wake up to 2 toddlers jumping on the bed.

Millie-Jane - Mommy! Daddy! Wake up
Leigh-Anne - Wake up!

A heavily pregnant Sophie rolled onto her back and slowly opened her eyes only to be consumed by hugs of her 2 young daughters.

Sophie - Morning my babies. How are you two so energetic at this time in the morning?

The two toddlers giggled as they hugged their pregnant mother. Sonny then rolled over and opened his eyes. He was then jumped attacked by his two year old daughters wanted to make sure he got morning hugs as well

The two little girls eventually climbed off the bed and ran out the room

Sophie's POV

Just as Leigh-Anne and Millie ran out the room, I rolled over to Sonny and rested my head on him. He put his hand on the bump so he could feel our baby.

Sonny - Just think in about a month, we'll be a family of 10. 8 kids and 2 adults
Sophie - 4 parents on top of that
Sonny - Oh yeah

Sonny kissed the top of my head as I felt something like a contraction. It was probably a braxton hick so I breathed through it. I've been on maternity about 1 months or so now and it was good to spend time with the kids.

Sonny - So, we just going to lay here all day?
Sophie - Only if you want to
Sonny - No, I want some pancakes and then we could maybe take the kids out to the park or something
Sophie - I like that

Me and Sonny have a really quick make out session before we decided to get up and read for the day.

Amanda's POV

Me and Mike were already awake because of Jesse. I should have asked Sophie for advice on how to handle 1 year olds. Mike has adapted to being a father really well. He is amazing with Jesse and I saw that he was going to be amazing from the moment we found out we were expecting.

We decided to take Jesse out for ice cream so both of us got out our pajamas and into some casual clothes before getting Jesse into some leggings and a t-shirt. I put my shoes on while Mike put Jesse into her stroller. The second my shoes were on, I grabbed Jesse's blanket and her favorite teddy and handed them to her and as soon as Mike was ready, we both walked out and went to our local ice cream parlor.

When we got there, I got a kinder bueno cornet and Mike got a Malteser cornet. We took a stroll down the road towards the beachfront. Jesse was sitting babbling away to herself while eating a tub of chocolate ice cream. Me and Mike are happy that we had a baby girl as it has strengthened our relationship so much. Jesse also loves spending time with her family including her grandpa William.

Amanda - This is amazing
Mike - Yeah but not as amazing as you
Amanda - And you dad said you're not a big flirt
Mike - Did he now?

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