Chapter 9: hospital

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Amanda's POV 

We are in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. The paramedic treating us says the major  damage was to Sophie's head from when she was hit with the board. She had cuts that will scar but will cause her momentary pain. 

"Your face is pretty screwed but some of the cuts will scar compared to the others where there is no serious damage." The paramedic informed me whilst assessing my face.  Fantastic, just fantastic. I get away with a couple of cuts and bruises whereas my sister gets away with a dozen of scars. I hate statistics. 

"So will she be okay?" I ask the paramedic. She looks at me from Sophie's head. I can see it in her eyes something is seriously wrong. 

"She might have some brain swelling but I'm not sure. But if she does it could land her in a coma". She tells me. The word coma just echoes through my head. It should have been me and not her. I feel terrible about all this. The female paramedic puts some needles in Sophie's arms and a tune down her throat before coming back over to me.  How far is this damn hospital?

"You might have a broken nose" the paramedic informs me, but I'm not listening as I'm looking at my sister who is half dead on the stretcher. 

"We're pulling in" I heard the paramedic who was driving shout. I didn't let go of Sophie's hand the whole ride here. The paramedic in the back with me and Sophie prepared to roll the stretcher out of the ambulance and into the hospital. She wanted me to get into the wheelchair but I said I was fine. 

We opened the doors and everyone was stood outside. I helped the paramedic get the stretcher out and they wheeled Sophie inside. Liv helped me down and we all went in.  

"Amanda, I'm serious. Go get your injuries checked out". The paramedic said to me before leaving to go fill in the report on Sophie. I need to talk to Liv but I do as the paramedic says. 

I walk over and a nurse gets me settled into a room. The doctor comes in and says to me "alright Amanda just relax for me". I try to do what the doctor sad but it's hard as my sister is in emergency surgery. The last thing I remember before passing out is the doctor sticking a needle into my arm.  

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