Chapter 28: A week off gone wrong (part 2)

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Fin's POV

Me and Liv grabbed our jackets and ran out her apartment. We got into her car and we headed to Mercy. We ran inside and we meet Amanda. "Rollins" Liv says. Amanda turns around and says "guys". I hug her then Liv does. "Where the girls?" Liv asks. "Uh, in another room playing" Amanda said. "And how are Sophie and Carisi?" I asked. "Don't know anything yet. All I know is that they're in critical condition" Amanda said. Me and Liv nod. Then, Barba comes running in. "Olivia" he calls to Liv. "Rafael. What are you doing here?" Liv asked. "Amanda text me. How are they?" He asked. "Critical" I said. He sat down with us. 

Barba's POV

It felt like we were waiting forever on news of Carisi and Sophie. Sophie's sitter came and took the girls back to her place. Amanda fell asleep but me, Liv and Fin were still awake. Then the doctor came out. "Family of Sophie Rollins?" He asked. We got up and Liv woke Amanda. We all walked over. "How is she?" Amanda asked. "She's going to be okay. She successfully made it through her surgery. She had some internal bleeding, a broken arm and a serious concussion. She's still unconscious, we're keeping her in for a while but other than that she should be fine" the doctor said. "What's about Dominick Carisi?" I asked. "He had some internal bleeding aswell but we stopped that, he also had a serious concussion but unfortunately that landed him in a coma. We don't know how long until he wakes up. Right now he's on a ventilator. I'm sorry" the doctor said. "How are we going to tell Soph?" Amanda asked. "I don't know" Liv said

Amanda's POV 

I was sat in Sophie's room waiting for her to wake up. I'm trying to think of the best way to tell her that her boyfriend is in a coma. Liv was with me and Fin and Barba were in Carisi's room. "How are we going to tell her?" I ask Liv. "I don't know but we need to wait for her to wake up first and then give her some time afterwards" Liv said. I grabbed Sophie's hand. It was as cold as ice. "Did the doctor say how long it will be before she wakes?" I ask. "No. They just said to wait until she does" Liv said. "And how long will that be. She has 4 little girls who need their mom, Liv" I said with tears. I cared about not only my little sister but her boyfriend and my nieces. "I get it Amanda. You want Sophie to see her girls grow up" Liv said to me. "Yeah I do" I said with tears rolling down my cheeks.

Fin's POV 

Me and Barba were sat in Carisi's room and Amanda and Liv were in Sophie's. I hated seeing him like this. On a ventilator as he's in a coma but it's only for a day. "Wonder how long it's going to be before he wakes up" Barba says. "We don't know the statistics yet. It could be a week, a few months. You never know" I say not taking my eyes off Carisi. "How will Sophie take the news?" Rafael asks me. "I don't know. Liv and Amanda are in her room. But, can I tell you this without you telling Sophie?" I ask him. Barba nods. "Okay, whilst they were at the cabin in Staten Island, he was going to ask Sophie to marry him. We all know except the kids" I say. "Really? I won't tell her or the kids" Barba says. "Thanks" I respond. 

Olivia's POV

Amanda eventually fell asleep. I was texting Fin

Messages between Liv and Fin

Olivia: Sophie hasn't woken up yet and Amanda has fell asleep

Fin: Same. Carisi hasn't come out his coma and Barba is asleep

Olivia: I'm hoping they wake up soon. Christie, Leigh-Anna, Millie and Leigh-Anne need their mom and the twins need both their parents

Fin: Yeah. I'll pick them up in the morning and take them back to my place. 

Olivia: Okay. I'll get them around lunch. I don't think Amanda will leave Sophie's side anytime soon

Fin: Doubt she will. They're proper close so she'll want to be here when she wakes up.

Olivia: Yeah but who will be here for Carisi?

Fin: No clue. I'll try contacting one of his sisters

Olivia: Okay. Night Fin

Fin: Night Liv

I put my phone down and eventually fall asleep

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