Chapter 28: a week off gone wrong (part 4)

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Fin's POV 

Barba came back to Carisi's room with breakfast. "Did you get an update on Sophie?" He asks. "Yeah. She had a seizure and still hasn't woken up" I say. "Damn. Must be hard on Amanda right now" Barba says. "Yeah, Liv told me she's crushed" I say taking a bite of my ballony sandwich. "Poor lass. And the kids don't know?" Barba asked. I shook my head. "I'm going to go check on Liv and Amanda and swap with Liv" I say. Barba nods and I walk out. 

I get to Sophie's room. She's still out and Liv is comforting Amanda. "Hey" I say walking in. "Hey Fin" Liv says. "I came to check on you guys" I says. "Okay" Amanda says. "I'll go talk to Barba. Leave you two to talk" Liv says. "Okay" I say. Liv walks out the room and it's just me, Amanda and an unconscious Sophie. "Rollins, I know this is hard. But go home and spend time with your nieces. I'll stay with Sophie and I won't and I mean I won't leave her side" I say. "Okay. And thanks Fin" Amanda says. I give her a hug and she heads home. 

I sit beside Sophie and I grab her hand. It was as cold as ice. "Hey Soph, I don't know if you can here me and I don't know if anyone has been talking to you. But it's Fin. Amanda and Liv have been here from the day you and Sonny were brought in. I've just sent Amanda home. I know that I haven't been in here as I've been in Carisi's room with Barba. Me and Liv swapped so I can see you. You need to wake up. Your 4 baby girls need you and there's stuff you need to know. We love you Soph, just please wake up" I say.

Amanda's POV 

I picked the girls up from Bethany's apartment. We head home. Millie-Jane and Leigh-Anne are asleep in the cots in the living room. Leigh-Anna is having her afternoon nap so it's just me and Christie. She can tell by the look on my face that something isn't right. "Alright, Aunt Amanda what's up. I can tell by your facial expression" Christie says. I know that I can't keep it from her as she's a smart girl and she'll figure it out. "Okay, but you have to promise me not to tell Leigh-Anna" I say. She nods. "Okay, it's your mom. She and Sonny were going away for the weekend if you remember". Christie-Mae nods and I continue to say "well on the way to were they were going, they got into a nasty car accident. Your mom is unconscious still but uh". "But what?" Christie asks worried. "Sonny, he's in a coma. Neither have woke up yet" I say. Tears began to run down Christie's face. I pull her into a hug and we cry togethe quietly.

Barba's POV

Me and Liv are in Carisi's room. Fin is still in Sophie's and Amanda went home to be with the girls. "How's Amanda holding up?" I ask Liv. "She isn't. Now that Sophie has epilepsy it's torn her apart even more" Liv says. "I bet. I think her going home might be a good idea" I say. "Yeah. Plus being with the girls will keep her occupied" Liv says. I nod in agreement. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I take it out and notice a message from Fin.

Fin: Hey Barba. You and Liv get to Sophie's room quickly. She's just woken up.

Barba: Okay. We'll be right down. 

I put my phone in my pocket and say to Liv "Fin just messaged me, Sophie's awake". "Okay. Do you want to go first or should I?" Liv asks. "How about we go together" I suggest. "Okay" Liv says.

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