Chapter 44: James has escaped pt. 2

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*2.45 the next morning: Sonny's POV*

I was awoken early this morning. I looked at the time and it was quarter to three. I heard sound of vomiting coming for the en-suite bathroom. I looked to my side and Sophie wasn't there. I got out of bed and headed into the bathroom. I found Sophie hunched over the toilet throwing up. I rush behind her and hold her hair behind her and I rub her back in circles.

She finishes throwing up and I get go of her hair. "You okay?" I ask. "Yeah. I don't know what happened. I'm not going into work" Sophie said. "Okay. I'll let Liv know when I go in" I said. Sophie nodded and cleaned up. I hugged her and we went back to bed.

Liv's POV

I walked into work the next day and Amanda and Fin were already here. "Morning guys" I said. "Morning Liv" Fin said. Just then, Carisi walked in. "Morning Carisi. No Sophie?" I asked. "No. She's out sick. Threw up at quarter to three this morning" Carisi said. "Okay" I said and walked into my office.

Sonny's POV: A few hours later

Me and the rest of the team were still working the case that we got at the start of the week. I was going through the bank details when my phone rang. 'Carisi' I answered. 'Sonny. Sonny he's here' I heard Sophie whisper in panic. 'Stupid bitch open this door. I know your in there' I heard James shout. Then, a bang. 'Dominick. He's inside' Sophie cried. 'Okay. I'm on my way.' I said as I grabbed my jacket and ran out without saying anything. 'Sonny, he's upsta...' I heard Sophie start to say before the line went dead.

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