Chaper 33: You're not taking her

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Sophie's POV

A few weeks after Christmas and New Year, me, Dominick, Christie-Mae and Leigh-Anna were watch Descendants and the twins were in their playpen. As we were watching the movie, there was a knock at the door. I got up and answered it and I couldn't believe who was there. It was Christie's father, James Campbell. "James" I said not surprised. "Hi, Sophie" James said. "What do you want?" I ask. "I want to see Christie-Mae" he said. "You... want to see Christie-Mae after nearly 14 year" I say. "Yeah. So can I?" James asks. "No way. You walked out on me 13 and a half year ago when I was pregnant. For those 9 hard and difficult months, Amanda was by my side and when I was in labor, Amanda was there with my friends. You barley spoke to me back in school. I needed you the most back then and you said and these are your exact words 'I want nothing to do with you and this baby. Both of you can go to hell or even worse, I hope the baby dies in the womb'. I spent 3 weeks at home and not going out the house. But, I gave birth to baby girl and I've raised a wonderful young lady who is an amazing big sister to 3 little girls. So, no way in hell are you seeing her" I say with tears.

Sonny's POV

I could hear Sophie crying as she spoke to someone. I got up and walked behind her. "You alright?" I ask putting my hands on her arms and looking at her. "Who are you?" the guy at the door asked. "Sonny Carisi, Sophies fiancé. Who are you?" I ask. "James Campbell, Christie-Mae's biological father" James said. "What do you want with her after 13 and a half year?" I ask. "I want to see her" James said. "You're not seeing her" Sophie said. "I knew this was going to happen. Well, I got this incase you wouldn't let me" James said and took out a file. Sophie yanked it out his hands and slammed the door shut. We walked into the kitchen and she opened it. "Unbelievable" Sophie said still looking at the documents. "What is it?" I ask. "James is sueing for custody" Sophie said. I took the file as Sophie began to cry. I set the document down and pulled her into a hug.

*The next day at work: Amanda's POV*

Me, Liv, Fin, Carisi, Soph and Barba were in the break room having our lunch. I could tell something was on Sophie's mind. "So how was everyone's weekend?" Liv asked breaking the silence. "Alright" Fin said. "Boring" Barba said. "Lazy" I said. "Soph, Carisi how was your weekend?" I asked. "A joke" Sophie said. "How?" Liv asks concerned. "Well, first of James came to the house and now he's sueing for custody of Christie-Mae" Sophie said with tears forming in her eyes. "But, he's not going to win right?" Fin asks. "I don't know. I mean so far all I have on him is that he hasn't been there for Christie for 13 and a half years and he hasn't payed child support" Sophie said. "I'll do some digging see what I can get" Barba said. Sophie nodded and I got up, sat next to her and she layed her head on my shoulder. "We're going to win this. I know it" I reassured her. Sophie nods. 

General POV

Barba headed back to his office and the squad tried to dig as much dirt as they could up on James before the arraingment at family court next week. Barba offered to represent Sophie, Carisi and the girls. As they were working, Dominick's phone rang. He answered it. "Dominick!" he heard his sister Bella say. "Bella. What's up?" Carisi asked. "Well, I heard that you and Sophie have twin girls" Bella said. "Yeah. Millie-Jane and Leigh-Anne" Sonny said. "Nice. Congratulation. Anyway, I heard about Sophie's custody battle to keep Christie-Mae. It's all over the newspaper. Guess the jackass wants everyone on his side" Bella said. "Son of a bitch. We're seeing if he has any records against him or his family" Carisi said. "Okay. Liste, don't tell Soph, but I'm coming up to Manhattan to support her. She's going to need a lot of support right now" Bella said. "Okay and thanks Bella. It'll mean a lot to her and the kids" Sonny said. "No problem. I'll swing by the precinct as soon as I'm there" Bella told Sonny. "Okay. See you soon Bella" Sonny says. "Yeah. See ya Dom" Bella said then hung up.

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