Chapter 16: Crossover with One Chicago (Pt. 2)

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Sophie's POV 

I woke up in the same room that I fell asleep in. I looked up to see a sleeping Sonny with his arm around my waist. I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and texted one of my friends from 51. Then, I felt Sonny squirming which means he was starting to wake up. "Good morning sunshine" I said to him. I looked at me and smiled before saying "morning beautiful". He then leaned down and kissed me. I threw my phone on the bed and rolled on top of him as I continued to kiss him. We pulled and he said "damn your so beautiful". I smirked, kissed him again and said "and your a good kisser".  We continued to make out until I felt my phone vibrate on the duvet. We pulled again, I reached over for my phone and answered the call. 

A - Amanda, S - Sophie: Phone call

S- Rollins

A- Good morning Soph, you awake?

S- Hey Manda, I am. Been awake for about 5 minutes

A- Don't tell me your doing what I think your doing

S- If your thinking of a hot make out session then yes that's what I'm doing

A- I was thinking the other thing but okay. Hurry up, we need to get breakfast then get to the 21st.

S- Oh yeah about breakfast. I'm going out for breakfast with some mates from College

A- Okay. I'll see you at the precinct

S- Definitely. See you there sis

A- Yeah. Love you Soph

S- Love you too Manda

Me and Amanda hung up and I got out of bed only to have Sonny pull me back in and kiss me again. I laughed as he kissed me and I said "Sonny, I need to get up. I'm meeting some friends who I haven't seen in ages". Sonny made a pouty face and I said "sorry". I got out of bed and got ready to meet my mates. I gave Sonny a quick peck on the lips and said "I'll see you later". Sonny nodded and said "oh definitely".

Fin's POV  

Me, Liv and Amanda were in the restaurant when Carisi came in. "Sophie joining us?" Liv asked Carisi. He shook his head and said "she's gone out for breakfast with some friends from college". We nodded and one by one we got up to get our breakfast and a drink. The hotel had a pool as well. But, at the moment we can't go in it as we're currently working. However hopefully on the weekend we can as we won't be working. We ate breakfast and headed to the 21st precinct. 

When we got there Erin, Nadia, Jay, Mikayla, Elessya, Mouse and Sophie weren't here yet. We continued to look into the possible suspects. As we were doing that, the 7 that weren't here yet finally came in. As they came up the stairs, Voight walked out his office and said "you 7. My office now". They looked at each other and followed Jay's lead. They shut the door so we didn't hear what Voight was saying to them. Then, we heard him start shouting. I asked "does he always shout" upon which Alvin replied "only when he's angry like he is now" we nodded and continued working the case. Then they walked out the office and went separate ways. Elessya and Mikayla headed to the locker room, Nadia and Erin went to the bathroom, Mouse and Jay went to the roll up and Sophie headed into the break room. 

Amanda's POV 

After we heard Voight shout and Erin and that, they went their separate ways. Sophie headed into the break room and I followed her inside with Carisi. "Hey Soph, you alright?" I asked. "Yeah. Why?" Sophie asked. "We heard Voight shouting at you, Lindsay and that. What was it about?" Sonny asked as he wrapped his arms around Sophie's waist and we sit on the couch in the break room. "He was just upset that we were late. It was nothing serious" Sophie said as she drank some of her tea. "Well at the end of the day, he's not your boss so don't let him get to you" I said to her. Sophie smiled and me and Carisi hugged her. 

Adam's POV

Me and Kevin look in the break room and noticed that 3 detectives from New York pulled a group hug so that they can comfort one of them. They then came out the break room and I asked the dark blond-brown hair one "hey, do you know where Jay and Mouse are?" She turned to me and said "please call me Sophie and I think their in the roll up". I nodded and said "okay that's Sophie". She nodded at me before sitting at the desk she was at. 

*One week later* Liv's POV 

The case was done and we had another week left to spend in Chicago. Sophie spent a day with some of her friends but for the most of the time, we spent it by the pool. Me, Fin and Amanda were already in the pool and Sophie was sat on the side with her feet dangling in the water. Carisi snuck up behind her picked her up and jumping in with her like he did when he threw her in the snow with him. They came back up and Sophie's long blond-brown hair turned a darker brown. "You're so in for it Carisi" Sophie said. So, she dived under the water, grabbed Carisi by this feet and pulled him under with her. We just seen him go under. Me, Amanda and Fin burst out laughing. They swam back to the top and slapped us with water. "Hey guys" we heard someone shout. We turned around and noticed Erin, Mikayla, Jay, two paramedics, three firefighters and four doctors and two nurses. They took their shorts and t-shirts off and once they don't that, we decided to splash them with water. "How did you guys get in?" Amanda asked. "We work for the city, we can get in anywhere" Mikayla said and they jumped into the pool soaking us all. We had fun for the rest of the day before packing our bags ready to go home. 

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