Chapter 17: Showing what I can do

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Amanda's POV 

Me, Sophie and the others were walking towards the town centre when we passed Sophie's old dance studio. I looked at her and asked "hey Soph, remember this place?" She look to her left and said "OMG yeah. It's my old dance studio". Fin asked "you used to dance?" Sophie nodded before saying "yeah. From 3 years old. The dance company went bust when I was still dancing at 20. Haven't been past this place in ages". I suggested "you want to go in then?" Liv, Fin and Sonny looked at Sophie who said "alright. But I'm not dancing". 

We headed inside and looked around. There was photos of Sophie's old team on the wall and photos of every competition she went to. I was carrying a speaker and I knew that I was going to get Sophie to do one of her old dance routines that she did for Nationals one year. She's a National champion in nearly every competition. Nobody could beat her. "It so weird being here again". Carisi asked "how many competitions have you won?" Sophie laughed and said "too many to count. I'm a national champion in nearly every category. Solo, Duo, Trio, small group and the main group". Liv said "that's impressive Soph". I asked Fin "hey Fin, could you hand me my speaker". He nodded and gave it to me

Sophie's POV 

It feels so weird being in my old dance studio. We travelled all around the country for competitions. Even the big name studios we beat them. To this day, I still dance but I don't do competitions. "So, what styles can you do?" Liv asked. I turned around and said "All types. Hip hop, Jazz, Lyrical, Contemporary, Freestyle, the tango, the samba. You name it I can do it". They looked at Amanda who smirked and pulled her phone out. In knew exactly what she was doing. I said "don't you dare". Amanda laughed and said "but I am". She connected her phone to the speak and came over to me and whispered in my ear "I have 4 songs your going to dance to and we're going to judge". I looked at her and said "do I have to?" Amanda nodded and headed back to the others. She picked the first song and asked me "your ready?" I said "do I have to do this. I haven't danced for nearly 4 years. I might not remember the choreography". Fin reassured me by saying "you'll be fine. Your just proving to us that you can still do it". I nodded and Amanda played the first song. 

Once the song finished, the others looked at me impressed and I just had a smile on my face. Liv said "see it wasn't that hard". I nodded and said "this place was like home. It was everyone's home away from home. It's always going be my home away from home". Everyone nodded in agreement.

Nobody's POV

Amanda put If Only, My Once Upon a Time and Sweet Melody on and after dancing to If Only, Sophie felt more comfortable dancing in-front of her co-workers. Once she was finished, Amanda put on some random songs and everyone had some fun before going home. 

*Songs Sophie danced to but didn't mention*

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