Chapter 42: welcome Louie-James Cameron Matthews-Rollins-Carisi

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*Time jump to May the next year: Sophie's POV*

In the squad room, there was just me, Sonny, Fin and Liv. Amanda was out as she was sick and Mike was out due to 'family issues'. "Where are we?" Liv asked. "Nowhere. This guys DNA was not at the crime scenes. All we have is the victims statements and the CCTV" I said. "Okay. Sound like enough for him to be arrested" Barba said. "Okay. Let's go get him" Liv said. As we were about to walk out, I got a phone call. "Rollins-Carisi" I answered. "Seriously?" I questioned. "Okay. I'm on my way" I said. "Everything okay, babe?" Sonny asked. "Yeah but Christie's gone into labor" I said. "I'll drive" Sonny said as we ran out.

Amanda's POV

I was hunched over the toilet throwing up. Mike was running my back in circles as I threw up. "Awww, it'll soon pass" Mike said. He took the day off to look after me. He said he had some 'family issues' which includes looking after your sick girlfriend. As he was holding my hair and rubbing my back, I felt my phone vibrate in the pocket of my dressing gown. "Hey baby, could you get my phone and answer it please?" I asked my head still in the toilet. "Sure" Mike said. He reached into my pocket and took my phone out. "Sophie's calling" he said. I nod and he answers it. "Hey Soph" he said. "That's brilliant news" he cheerfully said. "Okay. Call us with an update" he spoke and hung up.

 I finished throwing up. I whipped my mouth and stood up. "You good?" Mike asked. "Yeah. What did Sophie say?" I asked back. "Uh that Christie may has been induced at the hospital. The baby is on the way" Mike said. I nod and wash my hands and wash my mouth. We walk back into the living room.

Sonny's POV

Me and Sophie were in Christie's hospital room. Chase has been by her side since she came in. True gentleman. "This huuuuuuurts so bad" Christie-Mae cried. "I know babe" Sophie said. Chase damped her forehead with a damp wash cloth. The doctor then came in. "Ah, Sophie, Sonny your both here. I've come to check to see if your daughter is ready to have her baby" the doctor said. "Okay" I said.

The doctor checked to see if Christie was ready to have her baby boy. Chase grabbed her hand. "Okay, Christie-Mae on your next contraction, I need you to push" the doctor said. Christie nodded and she pushed. Me and Sophie had ahold of her other hand. She squeezed our hands as she pushed. "Your doing so well baby girl" Sophie said.

General POV

After intense pushing and painful hand squeezing, Christie-Mae devlivered a healthy baby boy. As they doctors were cutting the umbilical cord, Christie-Mae lost consciousness. Doctors rushed over to her and the nurses cleaned the baby up. One wrapped him up in a towel and handed him to Chase. Sonny and Sophie stood behind Chase and the baby as they doctors tried to get Christie-Mae conscious again. They did an ultrasound and found her stomach full of blood. "Can we ask if you can go into the waiting room with the baby please?" One doctor asked. They nodded and headed into the waiting room. As soon as they were gone, the doctors rushed Christie up to emergency surgery. 

Fin's POV

Me and Liv finished the case on our own. I checked on Amanda and she still wasn't doing very well. "It was hard today. Amanda and Mike being out and Sophie and Carisi rushing to the hospital" Liv said. "Yeah" I responded just as I felt my phone vibrate. 

From: Sophie Rollins-Carisi To: Fin Tutuola

Hey Fin, update. Christie delivered a healthy baby boy but there were complications after she delivered. She's in emergency surgery at the moment. 

I shown Liv the message

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I shown Liv the message. "Hopes she's okay. Tell Soph I send my love" Liv said. "Alright" I said.

From: Fin Tutuola To: Sophie Rollins-Carisi

That's great Soph. Congrats to you and Carisi on your first grandchild. Me and Liv are sending our love to you guys. Once she's out and awake. We'll be over in a few days. Just to give you 5 some time as a family

Mike's POV

Me and Amanda were cuddled up on the couch. She hasn't thrown up for the rest of the day only this morning. We were cuddled up on the couch watching ghost. Then, Amanda's phone buzzed on the table. She leaned over and grabbed it.

From: Sophie Rollins-Carisi To: Amanda Rollins

Hey sis, just letting you know that your niece has had a baby boy. However, she's in emergency surgery after suffering complications after giving birth. The baby is fine. He's in the fathers arms sleeping x

From: Amanda Rollins To: Sophie Rollins-Carisi

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From: Amanda Rollins To: Sophie Rollins-Carisi

That's good and sad to hear sis. Glad the baby is fine. Hope Christie's going to be okay once she's out of surgery and awake and holding her son x

I shown Mike the message me and Sophie sent. "Geez. Delivers a baby and is rushed into surgery without getting to hold her son" Mike said. "Yeah. Mad" I said placing my phone down. Mike leaned down and kissed me and I kissed him back. We layed down on the couch with him on top of me. He took my shirt off and I took his off. He continued to kiss me. He slowly took my pants off and I took his off. We continued to make out on my couch and he shoved himself inside me. He kissed me down my neck and we continued to have sex. "Ohh Mike" I moaned quietly. "Say my name louder baby" he said. "Miiiike" I moaned a bit louder. "That's it baby girl" Mike said. "Make me cum Mike. Make me cum" I said. "My pleasure" Mike said. We continued our sex. I felt myself begin to getvery wet. "That's it. Nearly there" I said. "Miiiiiiiiiiiiike!" I yelled. "That's it my baby" Mike said. We collapsed and I said trying to catch my breate "best... sex... yet". "Definitely was" Mike said trying to catch his breathe. He grabbed my hand and he pulled me up. We grabbed our clothes and I headed to the bathroom and Mike went to the bedroom and got ready for bed.

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