Chapter 19: Surprise

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*12 days later: Amanda's POV*

I woke up the next morning in a particular excited mood. Today was Sophie's birthday. I got out of bed and changed out of my pajamas into some comfortable clothes. Sophie wasn't up yet and it isn't a surprise since she's a really lazy person. I headed into the kitchen and set on the couch were the things that me, Liv, Fin, Carisi, Intelligence, 51, Med and her old team got her. What caught my eyes was an envelope by the door. I picked it up and it was addressed to Sophie. I put it by everything else and headed to her bedroom to wake up her. 

Quietly, I opened the door and noticed she was still wrapped up under her duvet. I creeped in and jumped on her bed. "Sophie wake up" I said. Sophie threw me off the bed and woke up "morning Manda" she said tiredly. "Happy birthday" I said as I got up off the floor and sat on her bed. "Thanks" Sophie replied and she pulled me into a hug. We pulled apart and I pulled her out of bed and told her to get changed. 

Sophie's POV 

Not the best way someone wants to be woken up on their birthday but you can't stay in bed all day. I got ready for the day. I walked out my bedroom and Amanda was making breakfast. "What's for breakfast?" I asked. "Pancakes and bacon" Amanda said. I smiled and Amanda said "Liv, Fin and Carisi are coming over as well". I smiled and said "let's hope we're not eating when they come". Amanda nodded and fished out breakfast.

15 minutes later, and we finished eating there was a knock at the door. Amanda answered it and Liv along with Sonny and Fin came inside. They came over and greeted me 'Happy Birthday'. Sonny came over and gave me a passionate kiss on the lips. When he did, Fin said "get a room". We laughed and Sonny said "happy birthday". I smiled and said "thanks" before joining the others. I opened some of the things that the got me along with the thing Intelligence, 51, Med and my old dance team got me. Liv then said "we have one more surprise for you as well Soph". I looked at her confused and she said "come on". Really, all I wanted to do was stay home and watch movies all day.

Liv's POV 

I knew Sophie wanted to stay home all day and watch movies but I wasn't going to let that happen. Amanda pulled her off the couch and she got her to put her jacket and shoes on. By the look on her face it was much to her disliking. We all got ready to go out. Carisi put a blindfold over Sophie's eyes once we were closer to where we were going. 

We walked inside and everything was set up. Two weeks ago, this place wasn't fit for a group of people to dance in but after a little TLC this place was a home again and there was a new generation of dancers for the team which is undefeated. We walked inside and the room was dark. We turned the light on and Sonny removed Sophie's blind fold. "Oh my god. It looks so different" Sophie said in disbelief. "We did it over the course of 12 days. Plus we have a surprise for you" Carisi said as he put his hands on Sophie's shoulders. Her old team and gave new team came out and Sophie's old team ran over and hugged her as the said happy birthday. They pulled from the hug and Sophie said "this is the amazing. Thanks guys". "No problem Soph. We got these together and turned this building back into the home it once was. And now there's a new team here to continue the legacy you and the others left behind" Fin said. Sophie smiled and said "let's celebrate". 

No-ones's POV

One of Sophie's old team members (Annie) started to play the music and everyone had a great time. At the end of the night, Sonny headed back to Amanda's and Sophie's place and Amanda headed straight to bed whilst Sonny and Sophie cuddled up on the couch. "Thanks for today" Sophie said. "No problem" Sonny said as he kissed the top of her head. Sophie then lifted her head up and kissed him on the lips. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist and Sonny carried Sophie to the bedroom and shut the door.

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