Chapter 16: Crossover with One Chicago (Pt. 1)

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Liv's POV

I woke up before everyone else the next morning. It sun was starting to rise and the apartment was quite warm still. So, I got up and headed into my bedroom to get ready. When I came out, Amanda started waking up. "Morning Manda" I said quietly so I didn't wake the others. "Morning Liv" Amanda said tiredly. She looked down and noticed the Barba was still asleep on her. "Should we wake the others?" Amanda asked. I shook my head and said "let them sleep, when they wake up I'll make breakfast. Want a coffee?" I then asked.

Fin's POV 

I woke up the next morning in a warm apartment. I then remembered that I was at Liv's apartment because they say before, we were messing about in the snow. Amanda and Liv were already awake so Barba was still asleep on the couch and Sophie was still cuddling into a sleeping Sonny on the smaller couch. I have to admit but they do look cute together. As I sit up, Barba wakes up as well. "Morning Fin" he says to me. "Mornin Barba" I reply. Amanda and Liv were in the kitchen so both of us got up and headed into the kitchen to join them. "Morning ladies" I say as me and Barba join them. "Morning guys" Liv says back to us. We chatted for a bit then Liv's phone rang. Whilst she was talking to whoever on the other end of her phone. Liv came back and said "that was Hank Voight of the Chicago PD Intelligence Unit. They just caught a rape case and they need our help. All of us are going. Except Barba as he has court cases to fight". We nodded and Amanda asked "when we going to Chicago?" Liv replied "today. Get those two up". 'Those two' referring to Sonny and Sophie who are still asleep. Amanda walked over and as she walked over, she grabbed a cushion of the couch and she stood over them and hit both of them with it. "Really Amanda?" Carisi asked. Amanda nodded and said "get ready. We have to go to Chicago which means we need to get some clothes packed. We're on the next flight out". Sophie rubbed her eyes and Amanda pulled her off the couch and gave her a hug. I thought 'they're so close. It's so cute'. We all left Liv's apartment and headed back to our own and got some clothes together before meeting at the airport and heading to Chicago

Sophie's POV 

We landed in Chicago, got our stuff and headed straight to the 21st precinct. I know everyone there as we all went to college together and they helped rescue me and Amanda when we got kidnapped. I haven't seen them since college so it's going to be so nice being with them again even if it's only for a week or two. What the others don't know is that I'm close with everyone in intelligence, firehouse 51 and med. We walked in and we walked to the sergeant who was on the front desk. "Excuse me. We're here to see Hank Voight. Is he in?" I asked. Plate looked up and said "is it me or am I seeing things? Is that really you Sophie Rollins?" Platt asked shocked. I smiled and said "it's is. And I'm here in person". Platt came from behind the desk and held me in a tight embrace. "How are you? I haven't seen you since college" Platt said. I smiled and said "I'm good. Working as a NYPD Detective now". Platt looked at the others who looked so confused. Platt shouter "Burgess, Roman get here now!" Kim and Sean come to the main desk and Kim said "Oh my god! Sophie. It's been so long" and hugged me. "Hey Kim. It definitely has".  Sean came over and said "it's good to see you again Soph". I smiled at him said "same". Platt spoke up and said "Burgess, Roman would you Minh taking these detectives upstairs to Hank Voight's unit please". They nodded and all 5 of us followed them up. Fin asked "how do you know them?" I smirked and said "tell you later when we go to Molly's".

Amanda's POV 

We headed up stairs and everyone was doing their own thing. Sophie noticed Erin in the break room and Sonny asked "what is she doing". I shrugged me shoulders and me along with Carisi went to the door of the break room. We stood in it and watched as Sophie wrapped her arms around Erin and she said "Erin Lindsay drinking coffee. Never seen that before". Erin turner around and just hugged Sophie who hugged back. Me and Carisi walked inside and we introduced ourselves to Erin. Jay then came in and asked "what's this meeting about". He spotted me and Sophie and said "Amanda, Sophie last time we seen you was when you were both kidnapped. How are you both now?" Both of us nodded our heads and Sophie said "and the last time I seen you two was college when we were crashing house parties and causing trouble with everyone else. How are the others?" Sophie then asked. Erin nodded her head and said "their good. Working either here, Firehouse 51 or med". Jay wrapped his arm around Erin and Sonny did the same with Sophie. Erin spotted it and asked "are you two dating?" Both Sonny and Sophie nodded and I asked "are you two dating?" They nodded aswell.

Liv's POV

After everyone had their little reunion with Sophie and Voight filled me in on the case, we got to work. Everyone was assigned different partners for the case. And by nighttime we all headed to Molly's were it was packed with Fire fighters, Paramedics, Police officers, Doctors, Nurses etc. The minute Sophie walked in everyone from Med and Firehouse 51 went over to her and hugged her. Me, Fin, Carisi and Amanda just looked at each other and we ordered a drink for all of us. Karaoke was set up and if we know Sophie after about 4 drinks, she'll be up doing it. I ordered the first round and as Sophie was walking over to the booth we were at, she was pulled aside by someone who looked like a doctor. I said "It's nice seeing Sophie back with some of her friends". Just as I said that, she came and sat with us. Everyone had a drink and Carisi said "I'll be back in 5" and he headed to where the karaoke was. We turned and watch him. He came back and sat down with us. "Soph, your turn" Carisi said to her. "Oh no I'm not doing it" Sophie said.

Sophie's POV 

"Oh no I'm not doing it" I said to Carisi. "But you are" he said and grabbed my hand and lead me to the karaoke stand. I tried to get out his grip but by the I did it was too late. "I'm getting you back" I said as he walks away smirking. I didn't  know what singing until the music started playing. I looked Sonny like you-know-me-too-well. I finished singing and put a request in for Erin and Jay. "Yo Herrmann, can I talk to you?" I asked. Herrmann nodded and came over to me. "What's up Soph?" He asked. "What's up is that I'd like to put in a song request from Jay and Erin". Herrmann smirked and said "sure, what's the song?" I thought for a second and said "Everything has changed by Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran". Herrmann smiled at me and said "smart move". I nodded and joined my friends again. I slapped Sonny over the head and said "you deserve that". Herrmann shouted for Jay and Erin and he told them to get on stage. We looked at them and they were just confused.

Sonny's POV 

For the rest of the night, we drank and done karaoke. But we didn't drink much as we have to work the next day. At the end of the night, we said bye to everyone and headed back to our hotel rooms. Me and Sophie headed to our room and got ready for bed. We got under the duvet, i gave her a quick peck on the lips and we fell asleep

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