Chapter 29: Please wake up

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*A week later: Christie-Mae's POV*

Mom finally got out of hospital but shes still off work and Carisi's still in a coma. Me and everyone else go talk to him. I was sat in the living room with my mom and Leigh-Anna when I had a great idea. "Hey, Leigh-Anna how about you go to your room and we'll play with your toys. I'll be in there soon" I say to Leigh-Anna. She nods and runs to her bedroom. "Mom, I don't know if you've tried this but have you tried seeing if a kiss would work?" I ask my mom. She looks at me and says "no. Are you trying to tell me true loves kiss might work?" My mom asks. "Yeah. I've seen how much you both love each other. It's worth a shot" I say. "I guess it is babe" my mom says. I hug her and she hugs me back. 

Sophie's POV 

I took into consideration what Christie said. Would true loves kiss really work. I mean its been over a week and I need him to help me with the twins as when Christie was at school it was just me and if their both crying then I can't help both. I get up and walk to Leigh-Anna's and Christie-Mae's room where they were playing happily. "Girls, get ready. We're going to go see Sonny" I say. They put everything away and got ready. As I was getting Leigh-Anne ready, Christie came in a helped get Millie ready. "Thanks babe" I say. "No problem mom" Christie says. I kiss the top of her head and we walk out with the two girls in our arms. We put them in their car seats and the 5 of us headed downstairs.

Amanda's POV 

I was in Carisi's hospital room, alone. Sophie hasn't been to see him yet as it's too hard for her and the younger girls to see him like this. "Come on Dominick. Please wake up soon. Sophie and the girls need you. The team needs you. Just keep fighting and fight to wake up so you can see your baby girls grow up" I say hoping he can hear me. I hear the door open and Sophie comes in. "Hey, I didn't expect you to come, Soph" I say. "Neither did i but I have to come at some point" she says. "Yeah. You can't avoid it forever" I say standing up and walking over to her. "Yeah. Plus forever is a long time" Sophie responds. I nod. "Here, I'll take the girls to get something eat and leave you two in peace" I say. "Okay. Thanks Amanda" Sophie says. I hug her and take the kids to get something to eat

Fin's POV 

Me and Liv were on our way to Carisi's room when we heard a voice. "Hey babe. It's hard for me seeing you like this *laughs*. I didn't want to come but I knew that at some point I had to. I couldn't avoid seeing you. It breaks my heart seeing you lying here. I couldn't believe it when I heard the news the first time. I just lost it, thinking I would lose the person I love the most destroyed me. The last week has especially been the hardest but Liv, Fin, Amanda and Barba have been so supportive and they've been helping with the kids. I just need you to wake up. I need to see your smile and your eyes. You make not only mine but everyone's day". I could tell that was Sophie. Liv nudges me and I see Amanda come down the hall way with the girls. I put my finger on my lip and we stand either side of the door. 

Liv's POV 

Me and Fin heard everything that was said. I pick Leigh-Anna up and placed her on my hip. We all peeped inside. We saw Sophie whip her tears before giving Sonny a kiss. Then, the unexpected happened, he kissed her back. "True loves kiss, works every time" Amanda says. They pulled and we walked in just as Sonny opened his eyes. Sophie grabbed his hand and he said "true loves kiss, works every time". Sophie laughs and Amanda says "I said that outside". Everyone laughs. Sonny pulls Sophie's arm and they hug. Me, Fin and Amanda sneak out his room.

Sonny's POV 

I was so happy that when I woke up it was by Sophie kissing me. We were cuddled up on the bed with the twins asleep in our arms and Leigh-Anna and Christie-Mae asleep in the chair. A nurse bought two cribs in so we could put the twins down. Once they were down, we cuddled up. "I'm so happy your awake" Sophie says. "Me too babe. And I'm glad that you kissed me" I say. Sophie looks at me and she kisses me. I cup her check and kiss her back. When we pull, Sophie lays under the blanket with me and we snuggle up and watch a movie. Eventually, we fall asleep.

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