Chapter 49: Louie-James's 1st birthday

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Sophie's POV

It's been a 2 months since me and Amanda were forced to work as sex slaves. There is going to be a trial but it's postponed until me and Amanda are ready. I've been having nightmares about what happened. Liv told me and Amanda to go see a therapist. I was against it at first but over time it really helped.

Today was Louie's first birthday. Christie-Mae had just turned 16 and she had a proper sweet 16th birthday party. Leigh-Anna was coming up 7 and the twins were going to be turning 2. Christie-Mae asked Leigh-Anna to help keep Louie busy for a while whilst she and Chase set up the party. There wasn't going to be many people here. Just some of their friends from high school and Louie's daycare, Liv and Noah, Fin, Mike, Amanda and Jesse and Nick and Zara. "Where has the first year of Louie's life gone?" Christie asked as I helped with the bunting. "Yeah. I thought that when I was your age and you turned 1" I said. Christie-Mae just laughed.

Sonny's POV

Me and Sophie were helping Chase and Christie-Mae set up Louie's small 1st birthday party. "And done. Thanks mom, thanks dad" Christie-Mae said. "No problem sweet heart" Sophie said. Then we walked inside. "How you doing after the last few months?" I asked. "I'm okay. I just hate everyone at work asking me. It's starting to annoy me" Sophie said. I grabbed her shoulder and pulled her into a hug. "It'll be okay. You've moved on along with Amanda. Plus today is our grandson's first birthday" I said. Sophie nodded and I saw that she began to cry. "Hey, don't cry. You're a tough cookie remember. You're a survivor" I said. Sophie nodded and we hugged.

Amanda's POV

A few hours later and we all arrived at Soph's for Louie's 1st birthday. Liv and Noah were last to turn up. Chase and Christie-Mae had helped him open his presents and he was now in the pool with them, Leigh-Anna, Millie-Jane, Leigh-Anne, Noah and Jesse. "It's mad that they grow up so fast" I said. "Yeah. But that was us once over" Sophie said. "True. We all were kids and teenagers" Liv said. "Yeah. Be glad you didn't know Sophie as a teen" I said. I then felt Sophie slap me over the head. "Hey, but it is true" I said. "She's not wrong. I was a nightmare at 13-19" Sophie said. Me, Liv, Fin, Sonny and Mike burst out laughing.

General POV

At the end of the night, everyone headed home. Chase had settled Louie down for bed. Leigh-Anna, Millie-Jane and Leigh-Anne were already in bed. Chase came back down and said, "He's flat out". "Okay. I think he enjoyed today" Christie-Mae said. "Yeah. I'm happy he did" Sophie said. Christie-Mae then yawned and said, "I'm beat. We better be heading to bed as we have school tomorrow". "Yeah. Night guys" Chase said. "Night" Sophie and Sonny said. "We better be going to bed too otherwise Liv will kick our asses if we're late tomorrow" Sophie said. "Yeah" Sonny said. He pulled Sophie of the couch and they stared each other in the eyes. Sonny leaned down and gently kissed Sophie who kissed him back. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. They continued to kiss and they headed to their bedroom.

When they got there, Sonny opened the door and walked inside. He layed Sophie on the bed and they continued to kiss. He took his shirt off and Sophie took hers off. She undid his pants and he undid hers. They hade sex for about 15 minutes before lying under the duvet naked and cuddled in. Sonny was gently stroking Sophie's hip as she fell asleep on him. He stopped once she was asleep and fell asleep his self. 

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