Important Announcement!!!

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Okay, here goes nothing.

Its with a heavy heart that I announce that all my stories are going to have longer updates because I'm going to return to the place I call hell AKA school as of Monday.

As much as I want to stay off and update all my fics, this is an important year for me so my updates are going to be longer.

When I say an important year, I mean it. I'm going year 11 and I have my GCSE's and mocks every half term.

I can't wait to be typing away at my laptop at every chance I will get and hopefully it will be every 3 weeks

So, thank you in advance for your patience and if you can, please show me as much love and support in the run up to my actual GCSE's, which I'll be hopefully sitting next may, like you all do with every story I update. It'll mean the world knowing I have all of you behind me as I sit every mock and every GCSE

xoxo Daisy

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