Chapter 41: blackout

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*Time jump to September: Sophie's POV*

The team were working the toughest case of the year. Millie-Jane and Leigh-Anne were in day care. Leigh-Anna and Noah were in kindergarten and Christie-Mae was in high school. Chase had moved in to support Christie-Mae throughout her pregnancy. "Long hours equal long days" Fin said. "It's not that bad Fin" I said. "Right. Says the woman who isn't mad at her 14-year-old for getting pregnant" Fin says. "When I was Christie-Mae's age, I fell pregnant with her. So, shut up" I fire back. "Ohhhhh" Amanda says. I smirk and get back to work. "So you're not mad at our teenager for getting pregnant" Sonny says. "It must run in the family" I say still looking at my laptop. "Okay" Sonny says and goes back to his desk.

Amanda's POV

Towards the end of our shift it was just me, Sophie, Sonny, Fin, Mike, Liv and Chief Dodds left. Rain was throwing itself at the window. "Liv, when can we go home?" I asked. "Soon, just chill" Liv says from her office. I hear Fin and Mike laugh. I look around the room and I'm the only lass here. "Anyone seen Soph?" I ask. "Think she went to the break room or something" Mike says. I nod and look at Carisi like 'have you seen her?' He immediately picks up on the look I'm giving him and shakes his head and walks out.

Sonny's POV

I headed to the break room and when I walk in, I find Sophie asleep on the couch with her jacket over her shoulders and the lights out. I walk in and close the door without making a sound. I go over to the couch and sit beside her. When I sit, I must have woken her up. She cuddles into me and I ask, "You tired?" "Yeah, but you make a nice pillow" Sophie says as she lays her head on my chest and falls back to sleep. Liv then walks in and sees Soph asleep against me. "She tired?" Liv asks quietly. "Yeah. Today must have worn her out" I respond quietly so we don't wake Sophie. "Okay" Liv says then the power goes out. All we can hear is the rain against the windows. "Great" Liv murmurs. "What's happened?" I ask. "The power has gone out and it's supposed to get to -11 tonight" Liv says.

 Liv walks out and I wake Sophie. "Hey beautiful, wake up" I say. I feel Sophie stir before she opens her eyes. "Why are all the lights out?" She asks her voice filled deep with sleep. "There's a power cut due to the storm" I say. She nestles her head into my shoulder. "Still tired?" I asked. "mhm" Sophie says as she nods. I kiss the top of her head and I get up. I pull Sophie up and we walk into the squad room.

Liv's POV

Couple of hours later and the power hadn't come back on. It was half 11 at night. Sonny put a blanket around Sophie and pulled her onto his lap and she fell asleep again. Amanda and Mike opened up about their relationship so Mike pulled Amanda onto his lap and put a blanket around her and she was asleep. Me, Fin, Sonny, Mike and Chief Dodds were chatting when I felt a chill run down my spine. I grab my jacket and put it on. "You cold, Liv?" Fin asks. "Yeah. But those two will be warmer" I say looking at Sophie and Amanda. "Yeah" Fin says. "Who wants to go to the bunk room?" Mike asked. We all nodded and Sonny picked Sophie up and Mike picked Amanda up and we headed to the bunk room.

Mike's POV

At half one the next day, the storm had calm down but the power was out. Sonny, Liv and Fin had eventually fallen asleep along with Amanda and Sophie who have been asleep a while now. "You good son?" I heard my dad ask. "Yeah. You good too dad?" I ask back. "Yeah. You've done good with Amanda" dad says. "Cheers dad" I respond looking at Amanda as she sleeps resting her head on my chest. "I'm going to admit it but you both are good for each other" dad says. I smile and yawn. I feel my eyes getting heavy. "You better get some sleep son. See you in the morning" dad says. "Night dad" I say before falling asleep.

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