Chapter 30: Did I mention I love you?

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*3 months later: general POV*

3 months later and the team have headed to Chicago. Not for work purposes but for a break from all the New York drama. Sophie and Sonny have fully recovered and have been working for a while now. Dominick didn't get to ask Sophie to marry him the first time but he wants to make sure to do it around family and friends.

Sonny's POV 

Me, Liv, Fin and Barba head to Molly to see if anyone is working. We walk inside and Herrmann is there with his daughter Peyton. "Hey guys" I say walking in. "Hey you lot. Where's the Rollins girls?" Peyton asks. "Amanda took Sophie shopping" Liv says. "Okay. So what's up. I know your not here for a drink" Chris says. "I was wondering if karaoke could be tonight. There's something I want to do" I say. "Sure. What do you want to do?" Peyton asks. "I'm going to ask Sophie to marry me. 3 months ago, I was going to do it but I didn't get the chance" I say. "Damn. Sure, karaoke night can be tonight" Chris says. "Thanks Herrmann and Mini Herrmann. See you guys later" I say. "Bye guys" they both say.

*later that night: Sophie's POV*

"Hey babe, you up for going to Molly's. It's karaoke night?" I hear Sonny ask from the bathroom. "Sure. What's the harm. Plus karaoke does sound like fun" I say. "Cool. We're meeting everyone in 15 mins" Sonny says. "Okay. Plus aren't kids allowed in on karaoke night?" I ask. "Think so" Sonny says. He comes out the bathroom and we finish getting ready.

We arrive at Molly's a little later. When we walk in, Platt was up doing karaoke. I wave to everyone and me, the girls and Sonny walk over to Amanda, Fin and Liv. "Hey guys" Sonny says. "You both finally decided to show up" Liv says. "Yeah why wouldn't we come for Karaoke night?" I ask. They burst out laughing. "Typical Sophie" Fin says.

*2 hours later: Amanda's POV*

We had some drinks and Liv dragged me up for karaoke. Me and Sophie were chatting as I had to keep her distracted whilst Sonny went up for karaoke. We were chatting when

'I met this girl who rocked my work likes it's never been rocked'

Sophie turned around and looked at the stage area. 

'And I'm living just for her and I won't ever stop'

At this point, Sonny had Sophie stood up. He finished and the room went quiet. "What's going on?" Sophie asked confused. 

"Sophie when I first met you, you were just like any other detective I've worked with. But, no other detective I know can make a deep connection with victims. I was in a dark place when I met you but you opened my heart to let light in. That light was you. We have started the perfect little family. We've been through so much but we've got through it not only together but with the team aswell. Your smile makes everyone's day, your jokes always end with a smile. Your laugh is so affectious, it makes everyone want to laugh with you. You have shown me what true love is, and I'm so thankful for that. So, Sophie Brooklyn Rollins. Will you marry me?" Sonny said then asked. Sophie had tears rolling down her face. "Yes" Sophie quietly said. "Really?" Dominick asked. "Yes" Sophie said louder. 

Everyone burst out into joy and Carisi picks Sophie up and spins her. I walk up and hug both of them. "Were you in on it?" Sophie asked. "We all were" Fin says. "Explains why you all were quiet" Sophie says. We burst out laughing.

*couple of hours later: Liv's POV*

We laughed and chatted for  a bit. Natalie, Gabby and Erin got drunk so Matt, Will and Jay sent them home but stayed longer. I noticed that Sophie started to look a little pale. She never normally looks pale late at night, but for some reason she does. I walked over and sat beside her. "You alright, Soph?" I ask worried. "Sorta" she replies. She looks tired. "You want to go and get some sleep?" I ask. She shakes her head in response. She stands up to go join the others. But, just after she gets up she freezes. I notice that she's a bit dizzy. 

I signal Amanda and Fin to come over. "You good?" Amanda asks Sophie. She doesn't respond. Her eyes roll into the back of her head and she starts to seize. Me and Amanda lay her down and Brooklyn, Jay, Matt, Kelly and a few others come over to help us. Matt takes his jacket off and lays it under her head. "Thank god we have doctors here" Fin says. "Yeah along with cops, paramedics and fire fighters" I respond. 

Carisi comes over with Peyton who is on the phone probably to 911. "What's going on?" He asked. "Soph's having an epileptic seizure" Amanda says still focused on Sophie. "Epileptic seizure?" Dominick asks. I get up and pull him to a side. "Remember the car accident?" I ask. He nods. "Well in the accident, when Sophie was ejected forwards before losing consciousness, she hit her head and a nerve that was preventing stuff like seizures was hit and now she's going to have seizures for the rest of her life" I say. "What so your saying..." I nod saying "yeah. She's epileptic. But its temporary. It should stop soon". 

The ambulance arrived. Me and Amanda help get her into the ambulance and Carisi climbed in the back and headed to Med

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