Chapter 12: Discharged. Finally!

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Sonny's POV 

I woke up the next morning to find Liv, Fin and Amanda already in our room. "Morning guys" I said. "Morning Carisi. You may want to be quiet" Amanda said. "Why?" I asked. Amanda pointed to my side. I looked to my side and saw that Sophie was still asleep. "When does she typically wake up?" Liv asked whilst looking at Amanda. Amanda said "depends on the day". We nodded and chatted quietly until I felt Sophie move around on my side. Her eyes fluttered open and she rubbed them. I just thought 'how cute'. When she does that, she looks like a baby. "Look who decided to wake up" I said which drew everyone's attention. "Thanks for joining us with your presence" Liv said. "Shut up Liv, I've just woke up". We laughed and Sophie asked "what did I miss?" Fin said "not a lot kiddo". Sophie smiled a little and put her face into my side. "Awww, someone's still tired" Amanda said. Sophie nodded and sat up. Then her doctor came in and he said "alright Sophie, looks like everything is perfect. You will be able to get discharged hopefully this afternoon". Sophie nodded and said "thanks doctor. How long until I can go back to work?" Sophie's doctor said "a week". We all nodded and her doctor walked out the room. 

Sophie's POV 

At about lunch time, Liv and Fin headed home. Sonny stayed so he could take me and Amanda home. The nurse came in with my discharge papers. I signed them, grabbed my belongings and headed to Amanda's room. "Hey sis, you ready?" I asked. Amanda looked up and smiled before saying "yeah you?" I nodded and we walked out. On the way out, I texted Sonny 'hey on our way out now. Meet you outside. xoxo Soph'. I put my phone back in my pocket. Me and Amanda got outside and Sonny pulled up smiling. We put our things in the back and both is us sat in the back of the car. "Ready?" Sonny asked. Me and Amanda nodded and Sonny headed back to our place. 

We arrived 10 minutes later and all 3 of us got out the car. Sonny got our things out the back and carried them in for us. Amanda headed inside first and put the kettle on so we could have a proper drink. I plopped myself on the couch. "Did you miss that?" Amanda asked. "Yeah" I simply said and put the TV on. Both Sonny and Amanda laughed and Amanda said "typical". I said "hey!" sounding  slightly offended. "It is true" Amanda said and Sonny laughed. "Stop laughing Staten Island" I said only to cause him to laugh more. I rolled my eyes and put Jermey Kyle on. "You watch this?" Sonny asked as he sat the other side of me. I was already cuddling into Amanda so I didn't want to move. "Yeah. We enjoy the arguments. It's kinda like the Squad room between Me and Soph when we can't agree on something". We burst out laughing. 

Amanda's POV 

Once Jeremy Kyle finished, Sophie grabbed the remote before I could and put Most Ridiculous on. "Seriously?" Carisi asked. "Yeah. Soph loves these shows. She loves laughing at people hurting themselves and making divvs of themselves on TV". Sonny nodded and we both watched the TV. At about 2pm, Most Ridiculous had finished and Sophie has half way to falling asleep. Sonny looked at Sophie and said "she's falling asleep". I looked at her and noticed that she fell asleep. So, I carefully grabbed the remote and changed the channel to Friends. My phone then buzzed 'Hey Manda, me and Liv are wondering if we can come over for a bit. We'll bring some drinks and snacks. Fin'. I read the message and replied 'sure. Come in about 2-3 hours time. Soph has just fallen asleep. Also, I'll put the Spotify on so we have some music. Manda'. I finished typing and pressed send. Carisi asked "Fin message you?" I nodded and said "He and Liv are coming over with drinks and snacks in a couple of hours". He nodded and we continued to watch Friends.

Fin's POV 

Once work finished, me and Liv headed out and to the store. I grabbed a few beers, three wine bottles for Amanda and Liv and 4 grape juice bottles for Sophie as she isn't keen on alcohol. Liv meets me in the biscuit isle. The girls have needed some food and drinks and me and Liv did say we'll get their shopping. I grabbed some drinks that they would normally need and put them in the shopping cart. Me and Liv headed to the check-out and payed for the girls shopping separate to the drinks we were bringing. I payed for the girls shopping ad Liv payed for the drinks. We got the shopping and headed to Amanda's and Sophie's apartment.

When we arrived, I helped Liv with the shopping and the drinks. We got to their apartment. I knocked on the door and Sophie answered. "Hey guys" she said with her usual cheerful tone. "Let me help with those" she offered. "Thanks Soph" I said and I passed some bags to her and walked inside. "Did you get..." she started before I interrupted her "grape juice? Yes". "Oh, thanks Fin. Did you get the white one?" She asked. Liv nodded and Amanda came from her room. "Hey guys" she said. "Hey Amanda. What were you doing in ya room?". "Trying to find clean pjs. Speaking of which, did you steal them Soph?" Sophie shook her head and said "I only have friends pjs, one tree hill pjs etc so don't blame me". She then walked over to the bags and started helping Carisi put the shopping away. 

Sophie's POV 

Couple of hours later, Liv, Fin and Sonny headed home. Me and Amanda started to put the drinks away that were left. "What a night" Amanda said. I nodded and said "ditto". Amanda laughed and I laughed as well. "How's it going with Carisi" Amanda asked. "We're not dating yet but we're going out for a drink soon" I said and smiled. "Well I think you two are cute and I'll beat his ass if he hurts you" Amanda said and I laughed. "See this is why your better than Kim" I said. We finished tidying up and we sat in the couch. Amanda cuddled into me and she asked "did you enjoy tonight?" I nodded and she said "good". We watched some New Amsterdam and a few minutes later, Amanda fell asleep on me. I carefully for up and layed her down on the couch. I pulled the blanket over her, turned the light out and headed to my room to go to bed

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