Chapter 1: a day at work

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Sonny's POV 

I arrived to work like normal. 8 am. Only people here were me and Fin. Amanda was probably grabbing her breakfast and Liv was probably waiting for her sitter to come and watch Noah. "Morning Fin" I said. "Sup Carisi" Fin replied. 

"Nothing much, you" I said back. "Tired" was all Fin said. The Liv walked in and asked "Amanda and Sophie not here yet?" Me and Fin looked at Liv confused and Liv said "oh, right I didn't tell you two. Sophie's our new detective joining us and is partners with Amanda. You two are now partners. okay?" We nodded our heads and high fives each other and Liv continued to walk into her office.

Sophie's POV 

Me and Amanda were running late for work as Amanda decided to get up late. We didn't have time to get breakfast at home so we headed to McDonald for breakfast. I got a bacon bun where as Amanda got a McMuffin. We got everyone else a drink, well Amanda did. Once we got everything, both of us headed to work. We arrived, I carried breakfast and Amanda carried the drinks. 

"Morning guys" Amanda said. "Morning ladies". Liv came out her office "have you got us some drinks?" she asked. I nodded and headed her a strawberry milkshake. Amanda handed Fin a Vanilla milkshake and Carisi a chocolate one. 

Fin shook my hand whilst drink his drink "Hi, I'm Fin. Welcome to SVU and thank you for the drink". I smiled and said "thank you and your welcome". 

Carisi came over and shook my hand as-well "Welcome to Special Victims. And thank you for the McDonalds" he said to me. "Thank you and no problem" I replied. 

Liv walked over to me and said "you must be Sophie. Welcome to SVU". I nodded my head and said "thank you. I'm really looking forward to working here". She smiled at me and I smiled back. Then, me and Amanda walked over to our desks, sat down and started to eat breakfast.

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