Chapter 5: waking up

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Amanda's POV

In an abandoned warehouse, I woke up and looked around. I seen Sophie. She didn't get knocked out like I did because I would have seen blood. That means she was injected with something. I said "Hey Soph, you awake?" I saw her breathing heavily that's when I knew she was beginning to wake up. The drug had wore off. She looks around confused. "Amanda, what happened?" she asked as she looked at her tied hands that were identical to mine. "I don't know. Two people kidnapped us I think". I was panicking inside as I don't know who would want to kidnap two NYPD detectives. "Oh I remember now" she says before her head drops. "Soph, you alright?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm just tired" she said as she lifted her head. She gives me a weak smile before her head rolls back. "Get some sleep. Something tells me they aren't in a rush to let us go anytime soon" I said. I'm just glad that she gave me a chuckle slightly. The door is opened and slams against the wall and in come none other than Jake Owens. 

"Are you both comfortable?" He asked with a smirk. If you looked into his eyes, they looked manic. Like he gone insane. He walked over to Sophie and grabbed her by her hair. I remember him from high school always crushing on Sophie. He must still like her, but I can tell that Carisi likes her and she likes Carisi. He takes out a knife and slices it across Sophie's face. "STOP. JUST STOP" I pleaded. Blood drips down her face. It's deep enough to scar alright. Now, every time she looks in the mirror, she will always remember what happened.

"Sorry, we cant always be beautiful like you" he said as he walked over to me and did the same. He walks back over to Sophie and made a few cuts across her chest. She groans in pain. And I feel helpless. More and more blood started flowing out her wounds. He puts the knife down and takes a god damn picture. "Let's see how your lieutenant likes this" he says as he takes the picture. He then comes over to me and repeatedly punched me. I stopped counting after 18. He finally stop I spat the blood in my mouth out and he threw the blood on his hand on the floor. He took picture of me and sent it to Liv. "Jake please, let Amanda go. Your beef is with me not her" Sophie pleaded but he walked towards the door. "But Harvey hasn't had his fun yet" Jake said 

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