Chapter 10: aftermath

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Amanda's POV 

I woke up later to see Carisi by my bedside, asleep. I must have made a sound or something because he woke up. "Look who's awake" he said. "No dip sherlock" I said sarcastically. "How ya feeling?" He asked. "Nackered" I admitted the said "how's Sophie?". "Soph, she had some swelling to the brain. She's been in a coma for 5 days Manda" Carisi said sympathetically. Tears formed in my eyes. "I've been asleep for 5 days?" I asked. Sonny simply nodded. 

Liv and Fin walked in the room. "Hey Manda" Fin said. "How you doing Rollins?" Liv asked. I could only say three words. "How is she?" I asked. "They don't know if she'll wake up Amanda" Liv said. "She'll make it, she's tough and she's a Rollins" Carisi said grabbing my hand. 

"We've been talking to her just so she knows we're here" Fin said. "Maybe if you talk to her, she might wake up" Liv said holding back the tears as she felt awful. "Liv". Carisi said in a way that sounded like he was hurt before continuing "uh, maybe Liv is right Manda. It's worth a go". "Maybe" I said. "Could one of you take me to her room?" I asked. "I'll take you" Fin offered. "Thanks Fin" I said. 

So, I slowly got out her bed and Fin helped me into my wheelchair and took me to Sophie's room. He set my chair beside Sophie's bed. He left the room and shut the door so we could have some privacy. I looked at Sophie and tears formed in my eyes. I grabbed her hand and said "hey Soph. It Amanda, I feel terrible about this. All this. It should be my lying in this bed not you. I wish I could have done more to help you. Me, Liv, Fin and Sonny are crushed. Sonny more. He cares about you Soph. He might actually love you. I've seen the way the two of you look at each other, it's obvious. I just need you to wake up so you can tell him how you feel or so he can tell you how he feels. Just please come back to us and wake up. We need your sarcasm, your sassiness but most importantly we need the person who has a way with words". Then, I felt my hand being squeezed. It was squeezed again, I looked at Sophie who was moaning and moving her head from side it side. I walked towards the door opened it and said "guys I think she's waking up". Liv, Fin, Sonny and Sophie's doctor, Dr. Wheatend, ran into her room. "Hey Soph, could you try opening your eyes for me?" I asked. Slowly, Sophie's eyes fluttered open and she looked at me. 

"Okay Sophie, I'm going to take your tube out" Dr. Wheatend said. Sophie nodded and she took a deep breathe and coughed as the doctor pulled her tube out. "Hey guys" Sophie said sleepy. "Hey Soph" Fin said. "How long was I out?" She asked. "5 days" I said. "Really?" She asked again. I nodded my head. I then got up and hugged her and she hugged me back. "I'm just happy your awake. I think we all are" I said. "Same" Sophie replied. We pulled from the hug and Sophie whipped the tears that were running down my face. On the inside I just felt stupid for crying but these weren't sad tears, they were happy tears because I'm happy to see my sister awake again and most importantly smiling despite everything that happened to us recently. 

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