Chapter 32: Christmas

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*Christmas Eve: Sophie's POV*

On Christmas Eve, everyone came over so we could spend Christmas as a family. It was Millie's and Leigh-Anne's first Christmas. The kids were flat out by 9.30 pm. Christie-Mae and Leigh-Anna let Noah stay in their room the night and Millie-Jane and Leigh-Anne were sleeping in their cots in the nursery. "4 kids, how do you handle it?" Liv asked. "I don't know. Oh wait yeah I do, support from family" I said. Everyone laughed quietly trying not to wake the kids. "It's late and I'm shattered. I'm going to bed. Night guys" I said. "i think we all are tired" Liv said. Everyone nodded tiredly. We put the glasses in the sink and head to the bedrooms. 

*Christmas day: Liv's POV*

I wake the next morning at 8.15 am by Noah jumping on the bed. "Mommy! Wake up!" he said excitedly. I grab him and pull him down into a hug. He trys to wiggle out but eventually gives in. "Everyone else up?" I ask. "Aunt Sophie and Uncle Sonny are as the twins started crying" Noah said. "Okay. Do you want to go down?" I ask. "Yeah!" Noah excitedly said. I get out of bed, pick Noah up and head downstairs where Sophie and Sonny are bottle feeding the twins. "Morning guys. Merry Christmas" I say tiredly. "Someone looks like they've been dragged through hell and back" Sophie says. Sonny laughs with Noah. "Gee thanks. Mr. Noah here woke me up" I say putting Noah down. "How long have you guys been up?" I ask. "About half an hour" Sonny said. "Okay. These two little ones wake you guys?" I ask. "Yeah. I'm surprised the others didn't wake up by how much noise they were making" Sophie said. 

Leigh-Anna's POV

I wake up wrapped up in bed. Christie-Mae was sat up in her bed watching her movie. I get out my bed and go to hers. I climb under her duvet and snuggle into her. "Merry Christmas Leigh" she says putting her arm around me. "Merry Christmas big sis" I respond hugging her and she hugs me back. "Love you Leigh-Anna" Christie says to me. "Love you too Christie-Mae" I respond. We continue to watch the movie. By the time te movie finishes, it was 9.30 am and we heard everyone get up. We put the DVD and DVD player away and put our slipper socks on and head downstairs. "Morning guys" Christie-Mae says. "You both are finally up" my mom said. "we've been up ages. We were watching a movie in my bed" Christie said. "Okay. Well breakfast is cooking now" mom said. 

*A few hours later: Amanda's POV* 

A couple of hours later, and all the gifts open, we were watching TV. The kids were outside playing in the snow, Millie and Leigh-Anne were napping and me, Sophie, Sonny, Fin and Liv were watching Love Actaually. For tea, we all agreed to have Chinese takeout as none of us really like a Christmas dinner. "Is Love Actually really a Christmas film?" I ask. "I don't know but I know that Die Hard certainly isn't" Sophie said. "Is too" I fire back. "Is not" Fin chimes in. "Hey Alexa" Sophie says. "Yes?" Alexa asks. "is Die Hard a Christmas Film?" Sophie shoutingly asked. "No" Alexa says. "I rest my case" Sophie says. "But it is, look it up" I say. Everyone grabs their phone. "Its says that it's not a Christmas film and that it's a Bruce Willis film" Liv says. Fin, Dominick and Sophie burst out laughing. The kids come back inside just as tea arrives.

*Later that night: Fin's POV*

8pm rolled around and Millie-Jane, Leigh-Anne, Christie-Mae, Leigh-Anna and Noah were flat out. "Today has worn these lot out" Amanda says as Leigh-Anna slept peacefully against her chest. I had Chrsitie-Mae sleeping on my lap, Liv had Noah sleeping on her lap, Millie was asleep in Sonny's arms and Leigh-Anee was asleepin her Sophie's arm. "It definitely has" Liv said. "But, it was nice spending Christmas with family" I said. "Yeah. It was" Sophie said. We put the kids to bed before going to bed ourselves.

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