Chapter 18: Rebuilding the dance studio

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Fin's POV 

Seeing Sophie in her element yesterday was amazing. I think we all saw the young girl who danced when she was younger. I could see why she always won every competition she danced in. Her technique was amazing. It was just a shame knowing her dance company went bust. I had a bright idea as her birthday was in two week. I pulled my phone out and called Liv.

L- Liv, F-Fin: Phone call

L- Benson

F- Hey Liv, it's Fin

L- Hey Fin, what's up?

F- Nothing other than having a bright idea

L- Every time you say that, it's never a bright idea. What is it like?

F- You know how we were at Sophie's old dance studio yesterday

L- Yeah why?

F- well with her birthday coming up, I was thinking me, you, Amanda, Carisi and her old team could get together and re-build the studio and make turn it to it's former glory and bring back all those memories that Sophie and her team made when they were dancing there. Plus one of them could coach the new generation of dancers on the team.

L- Fin that's a fantastic idea.

F- I know. So what do you want to do it?

L- Definitely

F- Fab see ya Liv

L- Bye Fin

We hung up and I called Amanda and Carisi and told them the same thing I told Liv and they agreed. Amanda said that she still has the numbers of everyone who was on Sophie's team back in the day. All I had to do was get make sure Sophie was busy for the day and I'm sure she will be. 

Amanda's POV 

After Fin called me, I called members of Sophie's old team. They all agreed to join me and the others and help rebuild the studio that once was where they spent a lot of there and they grew up there. Going inside yesterday, it was so weird. Everything was still how it was 4 years ago. Nothing changed as they cut the place off. 

*two days later*

A couple of days later and we met up at the studio with everything we need. Sophie went out to the beach for the day since the weather was nice. Whilst we were busy, I pulled one of Sophie's closest friends aside to talk to her. 

Conversation between Amanda and Sarah: S- Sarah and A- Amanda

A- Sarah, could I talk to you for a minutes or so?

S- Sure, what's up Amanda?

A- I know how much this studio meant to you, Sophie and the others 

S- Yeah. It was where we grew up and it was where we spent most our time

A- exactly. So, what about you coaching a new generation of dancers for the team?

S- Absolutely. I would be honored

A- Thank you so much Sarah. We need this place refurbished and a new team in 12 days time

S- I'll get a new team by then and the place will be finished in no time. Don't worry

Me and Sarah headed back to join the others and continued to refurnish the dance studio. I was happy that Sarah agreed to coach a new generation of dancers for the team. We decided to call it a night around 7.30pm and we headed home.

When I got back to mine and Sophie's apartment, I walked in to find Sophie asleep on the couch. I took my jacket and shoes off before headed over and sitting next to her. When I sat down, she woke up and I said "sorry Soph, did I wake you?" Sophie shook her head and nestled next to me. She soon fell back to sleep and I did as well.

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