Chapter 55: Carisi Family Dinner

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General POV: 3 weeks later

3 weeks had passed since Sophie had given birth to Evie who is still in the NICU. The little girl is fighting and getting stronger as each day goes by. Bella has been checking on her brother, sister-in-law, nieces and great nephew along with the rest of the squad.

Today is the day all the Carisi family get together for Sunday dinner and this is Sophie's first one along with the kids . They missed last year due to work and other activities but they were determined to make it to this year.

It was early morning and only Christie-Mae, Chase and Louie were up. Sophie was back home and cuddled into Sonny. Millie and Leigh-Anne were asleep in their cots and Leigh-Anna was asleep in her bedroom.

Christie, Chase and Louie were downstairs having breakfast. The two teenagers have adapted well to being parents despite still being in school.

Chase - You picked a nice name for your sister
Christie-Mae - Really?
Chase - Yeah. It's adorable. Are you going to see her?
Christie-Mae - Yeah. When my parents do though. Oh, also, my dad's side of the family are having a family get together and I have to go
Chase - I'm sure your dad's side isn't that bad
Christie-Mae - Meh, I'm not sure of you can come though
Chase - You never know
Christie-Mae - I hope to find out more soon, hopefully before tea time

Chase nodded and both he and Christie gave Louie his breakfast before getting theirs

Sophie's POV

I've never been happier to be home. I'm still not allowed to work in the field at work but I can do desk duty.

I awoke in the loving arms of my amazing husband and partner, whom I'll forever be grateful for. He has held me in his arms every night from the day I got home. When we get the chance at work, we both go and visit Evie.

I looked up at Sonny who was still sleeping and spooning me. I peck his check and see a smile come across his face. He opens one eye and looks at me. He rolls over and pulls me on top of him. I struggle to get out his grip as he kisses me. I eventually give in and his him back

Sonny - Mhh, morning
Sophie - Good morning indeed
Sonny - Family dinner tonight
Sophie - Ohh, shoot forgot
Sonny - Don't worry but we'll have to leave lunchtime to make it to my parents in Staten Island for tea time

I nod and he lets go of me so I can go in the shower.

Sonny's POV

I have to admit. I'm really lucky to have Sophie. If anything happens which is so traumatizing, it doesn't impact her, it just makes her stronger and that's what I love about her. But, how she sympathizes with victims and when they don't want to testify, she always finds a way to persuade them to. She's just incredible

I layed in bed on my phone waiting for Sophie to come out of the shower so I can go and have one. It had barely been 2 minutes when there was a knock at the door. I shouted for whoever it was to come in. The door opened and income Christie with Louie on her hip

Christie-Mae - Morning dad
Sonny - Morning Christie. What's up?
Christie-Mae - It's about the family dinner
Sonny - Okay
Christie-Mae - I know Chase isn't part of the family and he can't go to his Aunt's as she's visiting his parents in California. So, I was wondering if he could come with us
Sonny - Honey, even though Chase isn't part of our family, he's always welcome to a Carisi family get together. The same goes for a Rollins family get together which is just you, your sisters, Louie, your mom, me, Mike, Amanda and Jesse.

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