Chapter 39: Again!

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Sonny's POV

We had a week off whilst they re-did the break room after Monday's fire. The kids were upstairs and me and Sophie were downstairs making lunch. She told me that she felt like she was hit by a bus this morning when she woke up. I kept an eye on her for most of the day. She was really pale and would lose her concentration for some reason. "Hey babe, go lay down. It might help" I said. Sophie tiredly nods and she starts walking into the living room. I continue to make tea when I hear a loud bang. I run to the living room and find Sophie on the floor having a seizure. I take my jacket off and put it under her head. "Your okay Soph. Your okay" I calmly say to her. She continues to seize and I continue to talk to her calmly. "That's it. Your fine. I'm right here. You're going to be fine, babe" I calmly say. Inside I'm freaking out but after doing some research online, I know what to do. I'm just hoping that she has no more. I did notice that she had some petit mals during the day which could have lead up to this one. I time it and its been going on for over 2 minutes and a half. If it's over 5 minutes then I'll have to call an ambulance. "That's it. Your going to be fine" I say. 

A minute later, her seizure slows down before it comes to a complete stop. I pick her up bridal style and put her on the chair. I cover her up and let her rest. I go back into the kitchen and continue to make tea. After, I fill up a glass of water and carry it into the living room. I set it on the coffee table for Sophie so she can have a drink when she wakes up. 

Amanda's POV

I was cuddled into Mike on the couch. After the fire, we started dating. We spent alot of time at each others place when we're not working. But, when we are working we stayed seperated. We're keeping it on the down low so nobody finds out. Mike's dad would not only kill him but me aswell. He'll have my job in a second. We were watching Home alone together when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID. 'Sonny'. "Hey" I respond still layed back. I move away. "How long ago was the first?" I ask. This caught Mike's attention. "Alrigh, how many has she had since then?" I ask. "Okay, get her to Mercy. I'll meet you there. Call Fin and ask him to watch the kids" I say getting up. I hang up a few minutes later and Mike asks "Whats up?" "Sophie's having non-stop seizures. Sonny's taking her to Mercy. She's had 5 already. Just stopped having her last" I say putting my shoes on. "I'll call Fin. I'll tell him that I'll watch the kids" Mike said. I nodded and Mike put his shoes on. We grabbed our jackets and run out the apartment.

I dropped Mike off at Sophie's place and I rush to Mercy. I pull up and run into the waiting room. "Sonny" I say as soon as I see him. "Rollins" he says. We hug and when we pull, I ask "What happened?" "I don't know. She said that she woke up this morning feeling like she was hit by a bus. Couple of hours later, she said it got worse. I told her to lay down and as she was walking into the living room, she must have dropped and started to seize because when I walked in she was on the floor seizing. I talked to her calmly and when she stopped I picked her up and put her on the chair. She had 4 more after that, all one after the other" Sonny said panicking. I pull him into a hug and I can feel him shaking. "She's going to be alright. You know" I say rubbing his back. Sonny nods.

Mike's POV

Me and the girls were sat in the living room. I told them that their parents had something to deal with at work and that they won't be long (hopefully). We were watching Kindergarten cop when my phone rang. "Dodds" I said. "Okay. So, she's going to be fine?" I asked. "Okay, call me with an update" I say and hang up. "Everything good with the case?" Christie-Mae asks. "Yeah. Just an update with the victim" I say and we continue to watch the movie. "Not so tough without your car are you?" We burst out laughing.

Sophie's POV

I wake up blinded by lights. I blink a few times so my eyes can adjust to the light. "Hey, your awake" I heard a voice say. Once my eyes are adjusted to the light, I look to my side and see Amanda asleep but Sonny sitting on the edge of my bed "Yeah. What happened?" I asked. "You were having status epilectus" Sonny said. "What's that?" I asked confused and tired. "Status epilectus is when you have seizures repeatedly. Your first seizure can last atleast 5 minutes but a second seizure without regaining consciousness from the first. Its also known as a prolonged seizure" Sonny said. I nod and Sony asked "The doctor said that you may not feel like youself for a couple of hours or sometimes days. How do you feel right now?" "I feel tired" I said. "Alright. Get some rest" Sonny said as kissed the top of my head. "Can I cuddle in?" I ask. Sonny smiles and lays next to me. I cuddle in and fall asleep.

Amanda's POV

I wake up and see Sophie asleep on Sonny's chest. "Did you tell her?" I ask. He nods and says "She was confused so I didn't say anymore. Liv and Fin are on their way. I text them". "Okay" I say. "How did I not see that she was going to have one?" Sonny asks. "Don't beat youself up. You didn't know" I said. "I should have know though. She said that she had a headache and that she didn't feel well" Dominick said. "That could have meant that she felt sick" I reassure him. He nods and then we heard a knock at the door. Fin and Liv quietly walk in. "How is she?" Fin asks. "Doctors are saying she's hopefully going to be okay" Sonny says. "Do they know what she had?" Liv asked. "Status Epilectus" I said. "What's that?" Fin asked. "The first seizure can last atleast 5 minutes but a second seizure without regaining consciousness from the first is known as status epilectus but it's also called a prolonged seizure" Sonny said. "Damn" Liv said. "Yeah. She may not be herself for a few hours. But the doctor is saying it could be a day or two before she's herself again" I said. "Poor girl" Fin said. 

*Few days later: Christie-Mae's POV*

A few days later, and the apparent case had finished. I knew it was a total lie but I didn't want to say anything. "So, you knew Mike lied about your mom and dad working" Chelsea said. "Yeah. I know that the precinct is shut due to the fire Monday" I said. "What you going to do?" Liza asked. "Say nought. It's better than saying something" I said. "Okay. Plus when are you telling them, you know?" Aria asked. "I don't know. I'll wait a bit. I have the perfect birthday card for her" I said. "Nice but what about your dad?" Emily asked. "That's what I'm scared of" I said. "Your dads reaction?" Spencer asked. "Yeah. Plus Millie and Leigh-Anne aren't even 1" I said. "Don't worry. It's not like he's going to freak" Hanna said. "I hope your right" I said. 

Just then, the front door opened. "Christie-Mae. We're home!" I heard my mom shout. "You telling her now or waiting" Chelsea said. "I'll wait. Her birthday's soon" I said. "Better make it quick. Your 5 weeks. You have the scan. Hide it before someone finds it" Brynn said. I there the ultrasound into my desk draw and headed downstairs with the girls. "Hey mom" I said. I hugged her and asked "How was the case?" "Stressful" my mom said. "I bet" I said. I shown the girls out and me, my mom, my dad and Leigh-Anna headed into the living room. The twins were in their play pen. When my mom and dad walked in, they smiled. My mom picked Millie-Jane up and my dad picked Leigh-Anne up. "My baby girls" my mom as we all hugged as family. 

I don't think my dad cares he's the only lad, I think he's happy that he has 5 beautiful girls. One being his wife aka my mom

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