Chapter 50: trial day

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Sophie's POV

A few days later and it was trial day. They waited a while until me and Amanda were up for it. Me and Sonny arrived at the court house with the kids. "You ready?" Sonny asked. "As ready as I'll ever be" I responded. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I smiled at him and we all walked inside. I could feel my hear racing inside my chest. We got upstairs and met the others. Amanda came over and hugged me and I hugged her back. "I can feel your heart racing against yours and my chest" Amanda said. "Yeah. That's how nervous I am" I responded. "You'll be fine. You've testified like a thousand times" Amanda joked. "Yeah. But I'm never this nervous" I laughed back. We pulled waved by to the others before heading to the room whilst we waited for our names to be called. 

Liv's POV

Me and the rest of the team watched as Josh took the stand. The way he was pinning it on the girls made me sick. "People call Detective Amanda Rollins your honor" Barba spoke. The judge allowed it and the court officer walked off to get Amanda. A couple of minutes later, Amanda came in. She sat in the stand and got ready to answer the questions "Morning detective" Barba said. Amanda nodded then Barba asked. "Are you able to tell me what happened on the day you and your sister, Detective Rollins-Carisi, were taken?" Barba asked. "Yes. Me and Detective Rollins-Carisi were at work until around noon when our boss, Lieutenant Benson, let us go. She said to keep our phones on incase we got a case. Me and Detective Rollins-Carisi decided to go into town and do some shopping for a bit." Amanda said. "Then what happened?" Barba asked. "Detective Rollins-Carisi said that she felt someone following us. I reassured her that nobody was. Then, we were pulled into an alley about 4 blocks for the precinct" Amanda said. "Before I ask you to continue, do you see the man you took you and Detective Rollins-Carisi?" Barba asked. "Yes. That's him over there" Amanda said pointing to him. "Detective Rollins is pointing to the defendant Joshua Campbell. Brother of convict James Campbell who brutally attacked Detective Rollins-Carisi in her home" Barba said. "Objection not relevant to this case" Josh's defense attorney interrupted. "I'm just letting the jury know who Josh is your honor" Barba said. "I'll allow" the judge said.

General POV

"Detective Rollins. What did Josh make you and Detective Rollins-Carisi do?" Barba asked. "He made us work as sex slaves" Amanda said. "How long?" Barba asked. "I worked as a sex slave for him for a month. Detective Rollins-Carisi worked as a sex slave for him for 2 months" Amanda said. "Do you remember your team finding you?" Barba asked. "Yes. Josh got Detective Rollins-Carisi to phone Lieutenant Benson before Josh moved her to a different location. I then remember Sargent Dodds holding me in his arms. I told him and my Lieutenant that Josh and his scumbag friends had moved Detective Rollins-Carisi before passing out" Amanda said. "Thank you Detective and I'm sorry for what you and Detective Rollins-Carisi had to go through" Barba said. "Am I correct when I ask. Do you have a child?" Defense attorney Zack Ranch asked. "Yes" Amanda said. "And you didn't once think about her?" Zack asked. "No. I thought about her everyday" Amanda said. "Her? So you have a daughter?" Zack asked. "Objection. Irrelevant. And ridiculous" Barba objected. "Over ruled" the judge said. "No further questions" Zack said and sat back down. "You may step down detective" the judge said. Amanda stepped down and walked out. "People call Detective Sophie Rollins-Carisi, you honor" Barba said. 

Sophie's POV

I took a deep breathe as the court officer came in and called my name. He took me to the court room. I sat in the witness stand. "Morning Detective" Barba said. I nodded and Barba started asking me questions. "In your own words can you describe what happened on the day you and Detective Rollins, your sister, were taken by Josh Campbell?" Barba asked. "Of course I can. Me, Detective Rollins and the rest of our team were at work on our lunch break when our boss, Lieutenant Benson decided to let us go as we didn't have a case that the point. She told us to keep our phones on so she could reach us when we got a case. Me and Detective Rollins headed out to do some shopping. We were 4 blocks for the precinct when I felt someone following us. Detective Rollins reassured me that nobody was. Next thing I know we were pulled into an alley. I tried shouting for help but a hand covered my mouth" I said. "Are you able to say who it was?" Barba asked. "Yes. It was Josh as he said, 'don't scream'. I knew it was him as he has a deep voice. Deeper than James and I could smell his aftershave" I said as I felt tears in my eyes. "Okay. Do you see the person who took you and Detective Rollins?" Barba asked. "Over there" I said pointing to Josh. "Detective Rollins-Carisi has also IDed the defendant Joshua Campbell whose brother, James Campbell, attacked her in her own home a few months prior to the kidnapping" Barba said. 

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