Chapter 8: rescued

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Amanda's POV

The pain started coming slowly. My face was stinging but I won't be in as much pain as Sophie. She's still passed out and I hope she stays that way because if she wakes up the pain will be unbearable. I hear a small clicking sound. At first I thought it was one of the brothers coming back to cause us more pain but the door doesn't open. My eyes catch a small black box on the window with a red light on it. The light then goes out as if it's shut down. Thats when I knew the team was coming to get us. I'm just hoping it is them.

"Sophie, wake up" I say but just loud enough. I didn't want to draw to much attention. I didn't want to alert the Owens brothers. But it's pitch black outside so they're probably asleep. I hear her groan. 

"Sophie, I'm sorry but you have to wake up" I say quietly. Her eyes open into slits and she groans again. I know she's in pain but the team have come to help us. But for them to do that, she needs to help herself first. 

"Manda no" she mumbles. I'm going to hate waking her of the team aren't coming. She starts drifting off to sleep again but tries to keep her eyes open. Then a gunshot goes off. That causes her to open her eyes a bit. When another one goes off her eyes open even more. It must have scared her. 

"Amanda what the..." she starts to say but her eyes roll to the back of her head. 

"Sophie!" I shout. I don't care if they hear me because the gunshots would have woke them up. As more gunshots go off, her eyes don't open. Damn it! She's passed out from the pain. The pain from my beaten up face was killing me. 

"Amanda?" I hear quietly. I know it's not Sophie, she's out from the count. I look towards the window and see Jay and Erin smiling down at us. They begin to cut the window and climb down the Carisi and Fin climb in with Jay, Erin, Kim and Antonio behind them. That's when I realize that the gun shots were a distraction. Intelligence must have been called to help with the investigation. They were here to get us out and not to arrest Harvey and Jake. 

"I almost don't recognize you Manda" Fin said as he undoes my ties. A smile graces my face. Carisi makes his way over to Sophie and undoes her ties. Once my ties are off, I stand up but I'm a little sore as I haven't stood up for two days. But I'm not in as much pain as I was before but Sophie will be. 

Carisi picks her up bridal style and carry's her to the window where Jay carries her down. I forgot how cold New York is until I get out into the cold air. Jay hands Atwater Sophie and everyone climbs down. The gunshots continue in the process. Once I'm out, Liv comes over to me and hugs me. I see everyone from intelligence and smile. I watch as Atwater puts Sophie in the gurney. It was every smart what they did by not putting the lights on. 

"All clear" I head Lindsay radio. They load Sophie into the ambulance and I climb in the back. The doors are shut and the last thing I see is everyone running to their cars. Oh and two angry men chasing us. But the most important thing is we're out and okay.

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