Chapter 35: Happy birthday, Christie-Mae

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*Few weeks later: Liv's POV: Saturday 14th April*

After a crazy week of tracking a sex trafficking ring, we solved the case and the master mind's ass was in jail. Sophie, Carisi and Amanda did pretty well undercover aswell. The weekend came and it was the weekend of Christie-Mae's 14th birthday. I think Sophie find's it mad that she's turning 14 like we all do but in the September she'll be starting high school. "I can't believe she's 14" Amanda says. "Same. It's mad. She'll be in high school in September" Sophie says. "Yeah. It is definitely mad" I say. "Where the kids?" Fin asks. "The twins are napping, Leigh-Anna and Noah are playing in her room and Christie has gone out with some girlfreinds. It was her birthday present off them but then they're coming over later" Sophie says. "Girlfriends?" Fin asks. "It's what Christie calls her female friends. Not what your probably thinking" Sophie said. Fin nods when he realizes what she means. 

Sophie's POV

Me, Amanda, Sonny, Liv and Fin had set Christie-Mae's surprise party in the garden. "I'm sure she's going to love this" Fin said. "Yeah. Plus I have the biggest surprise for her" I said as I finished hanging up the bunting. "Really?" Amanda asked. "Yeah. You know how she was texting one of the lads in her school but he moved away and she was devastated. Well, his parents called me and said that he wanted to come back to school here as he didn't fit in there" I said. I could tell by Amanda's face that she knew. "Wait, I don't get what your saying" Liv said. "Uh. Hey Chase, get out here!" I shouted. Chase came from behind the wall. "Oh my god! Chase, how have you been?" Amanda asked. "Good. I wanted to leave LA for so long as it just didn't feel like my home. Manhattan is. My friends are here, my childhood memories are here and my school is here. My parents are staying down there and I'm staying up here with my aunt" Chase said. "Amazing. Good for you. Anyway, Chase these are Fin, Liv and my fiancé, Sonny" I said. "Nice to meet you guys" Chase said. "Same" Liv responded. 

Christie-Mae's POV

"So, you got the hots for any lads?" Chelsea asked. "I had the hots for Chase. I keep in contact with him but school hours are different so there that" I said. "Okay, but who you got the hots for now?" Liza asked. "I don't know probably Lucas" I said. "Not Nathan. i mean he's pretty cute" Hanna said. "Besides the point Han. I had the hots for Chase and I still do" I said as we walked out of Café Express with a drink in our hands. "Okay, where now?" Aria asked. "Well, Leigh-Anna's birthday is Independence day and she has been nagging my mom and her fiancé for Wreck-it-Ralph and Wreck-it-Ralph 2" I said. "Your moms engaged?" Spencer asks. "Yeah" I respond then drank some of my chocolate milk. "We didn't know" Chelsea said. Everyone nodded. "How about we all get Leigh-Anna something?" Ashlee asks. "Yeah" Brynn said. We continue to shop and we got Leigh-Anna her birthday presents while we could and we headed back to mine. 

All 9 of us walked into my place and no-one was in the house. "Mom?!" I asked shouting. "Mom, I'm home?!" I asked shouting again. "Maybe they have gone out" Emily said. "Maybe. Who wants to try their new clothes on?" I ask. "Sure. Plus I would love to see your room" Liza said. "Well, mine and Leigh-Anne's room" I say. "That's so sweet. Sharing a room with your little sister" Hanna said. "Yeah. My mom and her fiancé are going to decorate a room for her next week as they have the week off. You'll get to see the backdrop aswell" I said. We head upstair and go to my room. We walk into my room. "Nice room Christie" Aria said. "Thank and sorry it's a mess. These are just temparory spaces where me and Leigh-Anna are sleeping. We should have our own rooms soon" I said. "Okay. Come on" Hanna said. We headed upstairs. 

Once we got upstair, I put my bags down and when I looked out my window, I was the garden nicely decorated. "What you looking at?" Chelsea asked. "My mom and family have set something up in the garden" I say. "You want to take a look?" Liza asked. I nooded and we all headed downstairs. We walk out into the garden and no-one's around. "Guys?" I ask. "Happy birthday, Christie-Mae" they shout as they scare me. I scream then laugh. I looked at my mates and asked "did you guys know?" "Yeah. Your mom called me during the week as asked me to call the others and distract you" Aria said. They came over and hugged me and I hugged them back.

Liv's POV

Christie-Mae opened all her gifts off everyone and all the kids were in the pool. "She's such a good big sister and friend" I say. "Yeah. She just doesn't know Chase is here" Sophie says. We watched at Christie-Mae and Chelsea played with the twins and Spencer played with Leigh-Anna. "Hey Christie babe, could you come here for a minute?" Sophie asked. Christie-mae got out the pool and came over. "I ahve one more surprise for you" Sophie said. Me, Amanda and Fin tried to keep a straigh face trying not to laugh. "What?" Chrsitie asked. "One minute" Sophie said walking off. Christie-Mae looked at us suspiciously. "You guys know something" Sophie said. "We don't. You know your mom always upto something" Amanda said. "Carisi?" Christie-Mae asked. Sonny looked at her and shrugged his shoudlers. "Christie-Mae" Chase said behind her. She turned around and she looked like she was about to cry. "Chase" she said shocked. he walked up to her and hugged her and she hugges him back. 

When they pulled, Chrsitie asked "When did you get back?" "A few days go, I'm staying with my aunt and I'm not going back California. I'm also going back to Manhattan Elementry and I'm going to Manhattan high in the fall. This cities my home. I wouldn't leave everything behind for the world" Chase said. "So, you came back because you missed the city?" Christie asks.

Christie-Mae's POV

"So, you came back because you missed the city?" I asked. "No, I came back because this was my life before California and will always be my life and because I missed my mates but most importantly I missed the one person who made me feel... well like me" Chase said. "What, I'm confused" I said. "I'm saying that the person who made me feel like me is you, Christie. I felt out of place until I met you. Really, all I'm saying is I love you" Chase said. I had tears in my eyes and I smiled and I said "I love you too". Chase leaned in and kissed me and I kissed him back. As we kissed, we heard everyone cheer. "Get a room" Chelsea said. Me and Chase pulled and laughed. "That was unexpected" I said. "I wanted to do that for so long" Chase said. I smiled and hugged him and said "I'm so happy you're back". "Same" Chase said as he hugged me back. 

After everyone headed home, it was just me, my mom, Sonny, Leigh-Anna, Millie-Jane, Leigh-Anne. Oh, and Chase. My mom and Sonny were tidying up and Leigh-Anna was playing with Millie and Leigh-Anne so me and Chase were sat on the couch watching Space Jam. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. I cuddled into him. "I wanted to ask you this for so long but couldn't find the right time or had the courage but I feel like now is right. Will you be my girlfiend?" Chase asked me. I smiled and nodded. He kissed my forehead and we cuddled up just as my mom and Sonny came and sat beside us and did the same. It was a peaceful night after that and we headed to bed. 

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