Chapter 24: We need another baby name

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Sonny's POV 

"Yes, your actually having twin girls. Congratulations" the doctor said and walked out. Me and Sophie look at each other before I kiss her. "This is amazing baby" I said with a huge smile on my face. "I know. We have one name but now we need another baby name" Sophie said with a smile on her face aswell. "What about Leigh-Anne Grace" I said. Sophie nodded and said "Millie-Jane Brooklyn Rollins-Carisi and Leigh-Anne Grace Rollins-Carisi" Sophie said. I nod and kiss her. We pull apart when there's a knock at the door. 

Amanda comes in with 2 girls. "Hey, look who I found at the apartment" Amanda said as she and and the two girls came. "Mommy!" The younger girls yelled and the two girls ran to Sophie and they hugged her and Sophie hugged them back. "Hi my girls" Sophie said. They pulled and Sophie said "girls this is Sonny Carisi my boyfriend. Sonny, this Christie-Mae and Leigh-Anna my two other daughters". We waved at each other and Amanda said "okay. I'll see you all later". We waved at her and Amanda walked off. "Hey girl, do you want to know something?" I asked. They nodded and looked at me and Sophie. "Okay, we'll I'm going to have your two new baby sisters soon. Millie-Jane and Leigh-Anne" Sophie said. Christie-Mae and Leigh-Anna burst into excitement. They hugged me and Sophie. "I can't wait to meet my sisters" Christie-Mae said. "What are their middle names?" Leigh-Anna asked. "Brooklyn and Grace" Sophie said. "Christie-Mae Aaliyah, Leigh-Anna Samantha, Millie-Jane Brooklyn and Leigh-Anne Grace. 4 beautiful names" Leigh-Anna said. 

Fin's POV 

Me, Liv and Amanda head to the bar for a few drinks. "How's Sophie?" Liv asks Amanda. "She's good. Happy that Christie and Leigh are there with her and Carisi". Amanda said. Me and Liv look at her and I say "Christie-Mae and Leigh-Anna are in town". Amanda nods and takes a sip of her beer. "Anyway. Does she know what she's having?" Liv asked. Amanda shrugs her shoulders and said "she didn't say". Me and Liv look at her suspiciously and I said "you know". Amanda looks at me like 'your ridiculous' and says "I don't. But, is it just me or is she a bit bigger than anyone else at 3 and 1/2 months". Me and Liv nod and we continue to drink our beers

Sonny's POV 

It's been amazing getting to know Christie-Mae and Leigh-Anna. They're absolutely like their mom. They're lucky to have Sophie as a mother and I'm lucky to have her as a girlfriend. But, it was late at night and Leigh-Anna was asleep on Sophie and Christie-Mae was asleep on me. The doctor came in and said "alright Sophie, I have your discharge papers. If you can just sign them for me and you're free to go". Sophie nods, signs the paper and gently swings her legs to the edge of her bed. As she stands up, she carefully picks Leigh-Anna up and I carefully put Christie-Mae on my back. The doctor books her in for an OBG/YN appointment and then we head home.

When we get home, we put the girls to bed in the guest room. I cover them over and Sophie kisses the tops of their heads before walking out and gently shutting the door. She comes into the living room and sits next to me and cuddles in. "I can't believe where having twins" Sophie said. "I know. Two girls" I said as we put our hands on Sophie's baby bump. "Babe, can I ask you something?" I ask. Sophie looks up at me and says "sure". I look at her as she sits up and I ask "how your would feel about moving in with me so I can help with the twins?" Sophie smiles and kisses me. I kiss her back and when we pull I say "I'll take that as a yes". Sophie nods her head and says "it's definitely is a yes. Plus, Christie and Leigh already love you". I nod and give Sophie a kiss on the lips before we watch TV

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