Chapter 22: scared

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Warning: involves abuse and rape. Read at your own risk. 

Sonny's POV 

I woke up with someone laying on my chest. I look down and see Sophie still asleep. So, I reached over, grabbed my phone and went on YouTube for a bit. As I was watching one of my favorite videos, I felt Sophie begin to stir. So I set my phone down and I gently kissed the top of her head. She opened her eyes and looked up at me. "Morning sleepy head" I said with a smirk. "Morning" Sophie replied tiredly. "How you sleep?" I ask her. "Alright, the baby didn't keep me awake". I nod and ask "when's your ultrasound?" Sophie yawns and reply's "this evening after work". I nod and say "I'll be there". Sophie giggles and kisses me on the lips. We pull and then she quickly gets out of bed and runs to the bathroom. I run after her and when I reach the bathroom, i kneel down beside her and grab her hair, hold it and back rub her back gently as she continues to throw up. 

When she finished, she whipped her mouth with her hand and I helped her up, flushed and toilet as Sophie washed her hands. "Thanks for that, Sonny" Sophie said. "No problem. Plus it's only temporary" I said. Sophie nodded and said "yeah. We better get ready for work". We get ready for work and once Sophie's changed, I walk up behind her and place my hand on her stomach and say "I can't wait to start this new life with you and this baby". Sophie sets her on top of mine and she says "same. I love you so much Dominick". I smile, spin her around and say "and I love you so much as well Sophie" and I give her a passionate kiss on the lips. 

Amanda's POV 

I walk into work and Liv are already here. "Morning Liv" I say. "Morning Amanda" Liv replys. Me and Liv chatted for a bit and as we were chatting, Fin walked in. "Morning" he said. "Hey Fin" I said. "Morning Fin" Liv replied. "Sophie and Sonny not here yet?" Fin asked. "Sophie might have been sick because of the baby" I said. Liv and Fin nodded. We were chatting when Liv came out her office and said "we have a case. Amanda, Fin go to Central Park. I'll call Sophie and tell her to get down here with Carisi". Me and Fin nodded before heading out. 

Sophie's POV 

My morning didn't get off to the best start. 3 months of morning sickness won't be nothing though. And I'll have Sonny, Amanda, Liv, Fin and Barba to support me all the way through. Me and Sonny headed back to the bedroom where we got changed for work. As we were getting ready, my phone rang. I answered it whilst Sonny continued to get ready. "Rollins" I said. "We'll be right at the precinct, Liv" I said looking at Sonny. I hung up and he said "case". I nodded and got my shoes on before nodding. Sonny our his shoes on and we grabbed our jackets and ran out the door. 

Sophie's POV

I walked into work and Amanda and Fin were bringing a young girl and a possible suspect in. Sophie and Sonny were behind them. "Ah good, you both are here" I said to them. "Yeah. Had to pull over so Sophie could be sick again" Sonny said. "Morning sickness?" Liv questioned. Me and Sonny nodded. "Okay. 11 year old girl. Raped in the park. Amanda and Fin brought them in. The girls in the interrogation room over there with Amanda and the possible suspect is in another interrogation room with Fin. Amanda's talking to the girl. Carisi I want you to help Fin. Sophie you can watch". We nodded and headed to the room where Fin was. I looked through the glass and immediately backed away. "What's wrong?" Carisi asked. "It's my old boss. Patton" I said with panic. Sonny pulled me into a comforting hug as tears formed in my eyes then escaped them. 

Sonny's POV 

Liv came over with Amanda,  knocked on the window for Fin and asked "what's up with Sophie?" I rubbed her back and said "when she saw the suspect, it creeped her out kinda". Amanda looked with Liv and said "your joking". Liv asked "what is it?" Amanda looked at her and said "it's Patton. Our boss from Atlanta. He's at it again". Liv nodded and said "I'll call Dodds. Maybe he can talk to him". We nodded and I took Sophie to the break room so she could calm down. 

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