Chapter 4: the kidnapping

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Sonny's POV

I woke up the next morning to find the girls not up. So I headed to Sophie's and noticed her curled up under her blanket. I walk over to her and gently wake her up. "Hey Soph, time to get up". All I got was a moan as a response. "Come on, I know you want to stay in bed but we have work" I said. She then, rolled over and her eyes fluttered open. "Morning messy hair" I said as her hair is all over. "Morning Carisi". Just then I heard her alarm go off. "Don't ask" Sophie said as she had her descendants playlist playing from the first song. "Okay" I said. Sophie smothered her head into her pillow before grabbing her cushion and hitting me with it. "I'll take that you want me out so you can get ready" I said. All I saw was Sophie's head move up and down in her pillow. I walked out and headed to Amanda's room. I opened the door and her alarm was already going off but she was still asleep. From what Sophie done, I knew she would do the same. So I carefully grabbed another one of her pillows and wacked her with it. She jerked awake and said "Carisi, what the hell?" She asked. "It's the only way to get you up as you would have done what Soph did". "Uh" was what Amanda said before asking "could you go so I can get ready?" I chuckled and said "sure" and walked out.

Amanda's POV 

That was not the best way to wake up. But, I'm surprised he was still here. As I was getting ready, I could smell pancakes cooking. That's when I knew he was making breakfast. All I wanted to know was how he woke Sophie up. When I was changed I brushed my hair into a ponytail and did my makeup. When that was done, I walked out my bedroom and headed to the kitchen. "First one out, that means you get breakfast first" Carisi said as he put another pancake on my plate. "Thanks Sonny" I said as I began to eat. Sophie then walked out her room with her hair braided and her bangs across her forehead like they used to be when we were growing up. "Oh what's for breakfast?" was the first thing she asked when she came out her room. "Pancakes" I replied as I swallowed the bit I was eating. "Nice" Sophie said. Sonny handed Sophie her pancakes and she put her favorite topping on them (syrup). 15 minutes later and after everyone had breakfast, we got ready to go to work. 

Sophie's POV 

Me, Amanda and Sonny arrived at work and we headed upstairs. We stopped on the way to get a drink. I got a hot chocolate, Sonny got a coffee just like Amanda. We got Liv and Fin a coffee as well. "Morning Fin" I said. "Morning baby Rollins" Fin said sarcastically. "Hahaha very funny" I replied as I squinted my eyes. Liv came out her office and "we have a case". We all looked at each other and headed out. We got to the scene and Liv gave us our orders. Me and Amanda started questioning people whereas Fin and Carisi stuck with her as they looked around. Me and Amanda continued to question everyone. As we were walking back to the others, I felt like someone was following us. I said to Amanda "I feel like someone is following us". Both of us turned around and seen no-one. Then, I just seen Amanda collapse. I seen blood come out the back of her head. "AMANDA!" I shouted. I felt a needle go into my neck and something got injected. This caused everything to go black.

Fin's POV

Me, Liv and Carisi were stood outside the building waiting for Sophie and Amanda to come meet us. "I'll try calling Sophie again" I said before pulling my phone out and dialing Sophie's number. "Hi, you've reach detective Sophie Rollins. I can't come to the phone right now but leave a message and I'll get back to you". "Sophie, it's Fin. Where the heck are you and Amanda. Me, Liv and Carisi are wait for the two of you". Before I pressed end call. I walked back over to Liv and Carisi and said "it gone to voicemail". Liv said "alright, go to where they last were and see if you can spot them". So me and Carisi headed to where the girls last were.

Sonny's POV 

My stomach was going in knots thinking that something happened to the girls. Me and Fin found Amanda's car and started looking for the girls. Just as we found nothing, Fin shouted "Carisi get over here!" I ran over and he found some blood. My eyes caught a needle and I said "Fin look. A needle". Fin took a deep breathe before saying "one of the girls was knocked out whereas the other was drugged..." he paused looked at me and continued "they've been kidnapped". At that moment, I couldn't think straight. I was going to ask Sophie if she wanted to go for a drink tonight but at this point if we don't find them I might not get that chance.

No-one's POV

Fin and Carisi headed back to Liv. When they got there Fin said "they've been kidnapped. We found blood and a needle suggesting that one was knocked out and the other was drugged". Liv took a deep breathe and said "alright, Carisi go back to the precinct and check security cameras near by. Fin, me and you are going to talk to people and ask if they saw anything". Both lads nodded and Carisi headed back to the precinct and Fin and me went to talk to possible witnesses. Liv asked Fin "did you see Carisi?" Fin said "yeah. Wonder which one he likes". I smirked and Fin drove to where the girls last were. 

Over at the precinct, Carisi was going through all the CCTV footage of when the girls were last seen on camera. He watched all the possible footage and tried to see what happened to the girls. 10 minutes later, Fin and Liv came back and Liv asked "Carisi, you got anything?" Sonny nodded his head and said "the girls were walking back and Sophie must have said something to Amanda because both girls turned around and then two people came up behind them. One knocking Amanda out. Sophie must have shouted before being drugged". They watched as Sophie fell to the ground. Sonny couldn't watch it. Liv said "us three alone can't solve this. Call Intelligence, get them all here include the two patrol officers who co-work with Intelligence". Fin nodded and walked over to his desk and called Hank Voight.

Phone call between Fin and Voight: F- Fin and V- Voight

V- Voight

F- Hank, it's Fin

V- Fin what's the pleasure I owe?

F- Do you remember Amanda and Sophie Rollins?

V- who couldn't forget them, such amazing ladies. Why?

F- Well, they've been kidnapped

V- Dear god. Why are you phoning me?

F- Liv asked if all of you there including the two patrol officers could come to New York?

V- Absolutely. We're all on the next flight out 

F- Thanks Hank.

V- No problem, Bye 

F- Bye

Fin hung up the phone and headed into Liv's office. "They're on the next flight out" Fin said. "Good, we're going to need all the help we can get". Fin nodded and headed back to his desk. As Fin walked past Carisi's desk, he asked "Hey, Carisi you okay?" Sonny shook his head and asked "who would want to take two nice girls?" Fin said "I don't know but we're all as worried as you". 

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