Chapter 26: congratulations

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*skip to when Sophie has the twins*

Liv's POV

I walked into work Amanda, Fin, Sonny and Sophie were already here. Anyday now, Sophie could have the twins. Christie-Mae and Leigh-Anna spend a lot of time here as they're not at school. It's nice having them here as Leigh-Anna can keep the young children of victims busy and Christie-Mae can hack into victims/suspects phones and get any key info. I think that she might make quite the detective one day. 

It was paperwork day. The day everyone hates. Christie was doing her homework and Leigh-Anna was doing her homework as well. Christie was middle school going on high school and Leigh was only pre-school going kindergarten. Kids just grow up so fast. Mind, Christie and Sophie are close in age. Sophie's 28 and Christie's 13 so there's only 15 years between them which isn't a big gap in age. 

Sophie's POV 

I hate and like slow days. I hate them because we don't have a case but I like them because we don't have to track perps all week long and work long, long hours. I was in the break room with Sonny, Amanda, Christie and Leigh eating lunch. I was having a tuna and lettuce sandwich with an apple and a water. Sonny was having a tuna and cucumber sandwich with Apple juice. Amanda was having a salad with a coffee (like really come on) and Christie and Leigh were both sharing a ham sandwich. They finished their lunch and headed back to the squad room to continue their homework. 

A little while later, Sonny heads out and it's only me and Amanda left in the break room chatting. I put my rubbish in the bin and start heading back to the squad room. "So, are you up.. hey, you alright?" Amanda said then asked. "Yeah. Uh, my water just broke" I said with a shocked face. "Should I get Carisi?" Amanda asked. "Yeah" I said. Amanda runs out and a couple of minutes later, she and Carisi came in. "Come on, let's get you to the hospital" Sonny said as he grabbed my hand. I nodded and we walked out.

*couple of hours later: Fin's POV*

Me, Christie-Mae, Leigh-Anna and Amanda were in Sophie's hospital room where she and Sonny were holding Millie-Jane and Leigh-Anne. "Mom, they're so cute" Christie said as she sat at the end of Sophie's bed. "Who's the oldest?" I asked. "Millie" Sophie replied. Then, Liv snuck in and said "hi, what did I miss". Sophie looked at her and said "your finally here. You've missed nothing". "Leigh-Anna what do you think of your baby sisters?" I asked her. "I love them" she said. "Awwww" we said at the same time then laughed. "4 kids. Going to be a hand full Soph" Amanda said. "Shut up, right now we're a family. We all are" Sophie said. Me, Sonny, Christie, Leigh-Anna and Liv all burst out laughing. 

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