Chapter 37: Happy birthday, Leigh-Anna

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Sophie's POV

A few days after me and Sonny got married, it was Independence Day and it was also Leigh-Anna's 5th birthday. I can't believe that my oldest is 14 and my second oldest is 5. I'm turning 29 next week aswell which is mad. 

I was still asleep when I felt a pair of lips come into contact with mine. That woke me up. "Come on sleeping beauty get up" I heard a voice say. It was the voice of my now husband. "Okay, I'm awake. Your kiss woke me" I said. I opened my eyes and his smiling face was facing mine. "It's our baby's fifth birthday" Sonny said. "Yeah. And it's Independence Day. Liv, Noah, Amanda, Fin, Barba, Chief Dodds and his son Mike are coming over later" I said. "Mike Dodds. Like the new Sargent?" Carisi asked. "Yeah. Chief Dodds thinks this is the best way for him to meet us all" I said. "Alright" Sonny said. He kissed me and I kissed him back. "I love you Sophie Rollins-Carisi" he says as we pulled. "I love you too Dominick Carisi" I respond giving him a quick peck before getting up and getting changed.

*2 hours later*

2 hours had passed and I had made a cake that had the American flag decorated on to it and had a 5th birthday candle stickinh out the top. Mine and Sonny's co-workers were already here. We've all met Sargent Dodds and he seems like a nice guy. Me, Amanda and Sonny were in the pool with the twins. Christie-Mae and Chase were upstairs with Leigh-Anna getting her ready to come down. The cake was set up with the presents. Bella, Gina, Teresa and Sonny's parents. 

"Sophie, so good to finally meet you" Gina said. "You too, Gina" I responded and we hugged before me and Teresa introduced ourselves to each other. "Where's the birthday girl?" Bella asked. "Upstairs with Christie-Mae and Chase" I said taking my shirt and shorts off. "You getting in the pool missy" Sonny said grabbing my arm. "Yeah, you got a problem with that" I said as he kissed me. "Get a room" we heard Fin say. That caused everyone to laugh. "How about you make yourself useful and go get the birthday girl" I said. "Do I have to?" Sonny asked. "Yep. I'll play the music just now" I said pulling my phone out and clicking play. 

Amanda's POV 

Carisi headed upstairs to get Leigh-Anna. The music was playing that meant the party was going. It wasn't going to be as big as Christie-Mae's but that doesn't matter. All that matters is that her family is her. "I have to admit but the cake looks pretty good Soph. You should bake off" I sarcastically said. Everyone burst out laughing and the twins let a smile out as Sophie played with them in the pool. "Thank. An hour and a half it took to make" Sophie said. "I bet" Teresa said. Sonny then came into the garden with Leigh-Anna on his hip and Christie-Mae and Chase behind him. "Happy birthday Leigh-Anna" we all said. She giggled and Carisi took her dress off and put her armbands on her and she got into the pool with Sophie, Millie-Jane and Leigh-Anne.

*night time: Chase's POV*

At night time, everyone headed home. My aunt said I could stay the night as Sophie and Sonny didn't mind. Me and Christie-Mae were cuddled up on the chair and Sonny and Sophie were cuddled up on the couch. Mine and Christie's relationship was quite strong. All my mates at school were jealous as they wanted to get with Christie-Mae but they were happy as they knew that I've liked her for so long. They came up with the ship name Chrase. Sophie fell asleep on Sonny and I have to admit it they are kinda cute. They always have been. "Your lucky to have them two for parents" I said to Christie-Mae. "Yeah" Christie-Mae tiredly said. "You tired babe?" I asked as I stroked her hair. She nodded as she closed her eyes and fell asleep. I picked her up and said "I'm going to bed with Christie-Mae. Night Sonny" I said. "Okay. Night Chase" Sonny said. I headed upstairs as Christie-Mae slept on my back. 

We got to her bedroom which has just a double bed in and is decorated purple. I layed her down on her bed and I got ready for bed myself. I quickly checked on Leigh-Anna and the twins before going to bed.

Sonny's POV

The girls and Chase were in bed. Sophie was asleep with her head on my chest. I have to admit it but she looks cute when she sleeps. I turn the TV off, pick Sophie up bridal style and carry her to the bedroom. I lay her down on the bed and cover her up before getting ready for bed myself. Once I'm changed, I get into bed and Sophie cuddles into my and I fall asleep straight away

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