Chapter 56: Scars to her beautiful

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General POV: 2 weeks later

2 weeks on and it was nearing the day Evie could come home. She was now a strong and healthy 7lbs 12oz. Her doctors decided to keep her in the NICU for another week or two before allowing her to go home.

It was Monday, September 6th and it was back to school for Christie-Mae, Chase and Leigh-Anna. Sophie and Sonny were just finishing getting the Millie-Jane and Leigh-Anne ready when they heard

Leigh-Anna - Mom! Have you seen my shoes?

Sophie and Sonny looked at each other before Sophie sighed. She picked up a pair of girls size 3 shoes and picked Millie up before leaving the room

Sophie - That kid is so unorganized
Sonny - Like mother like daughter
Sophie - Uh, like father like daughter as well. It isn't just me she takes after, it's you too
Sonny - Are you sure?
Sophie - 100% positive

Sophie walked out the room with her 1 year old blonde daughter in her arms before Sonny picks up his little brunette and carries her out of the bedroom which both she and Millie sleep in.

Christie-Mae's POV

I was in my bedroom sitting on my bed with Louie laid down on it. Chase was finishing getting ready. I was in the middle of changing Louie's diaper when I hear my amazing boyfriend of a year and a half shout

Chase - Baby. Which one, my Nike shirt or my friends top which says 'How you doin?'
Christie - What about your Ralph Lauren Polo top?
Chase - Or that. Which one?
Christie - Friends. Don't put an effort in on your first day back
Chase - Unlike you with makeup

Chase sits beside me while adjusting his top

Christie - Do you want me looking hot for you or not?
Chase - You look hot everyday for me babe

Chase pecks my cheek before grabbing our bags and shoes just as I throw Louie's dirty diaper away. I put my sweater on over my top while Louie was sitting up in the bed with his blue teddy in his hand. Chase picked Louie up and held him on his hip. Louie babbled away at his father while I admired the two other important men in my life. (After my father and family). I grabbed mine and Chase's bag and carried them downstairs while Chase carried Louie.

Sophie's POV: A few minutes later

A few minutes later, the older children had headed to school. It was then just me, Sonny, Leigh-Anne, Millie-Jane and Louie-James. The 3 toddlers were in their playpen, playing with some large building blocks while me and Sonny were sat at the island in the kitchen, eating breakfast and drinking some coffee while talking

Sonny - I bet I'm going to be stuck with Fin or Kat
Sophie - Their not that bad baby
Sonny - Try being partnered up with them
Sophie - I occasionally go out with one of them during cases when I'm working
Sonny - Touché. Any plans with the kids today?
Sophie - Well, I might take them out to the park and probably go and see Evie
Sonny - Yeah. Id I have to go to Mercy during the case, I'll drop by and see her as well

I nod and finish eating my breakfast and drinking my coffee before getting outta my seat and going to put my dirty dishes in the dishwasher. Sonny was just finishing his breakfast. I grab his lunch out of the fridge and hand it to him

Sonny - I could get used to you making me lunch for a while until you come back to work
Sophie - Well do because some could be left over dinner or some could be a freshly cooked meal
Sonny - Oh, I will

Sonny pecks my lips before leaving for work. I walk to the front door to wave him off and blow him a quick kiss. As soon as he was out of sight, I went back into the house where it was just me, Millie, Leigh-Anne and Louie. I watched as they played happily in the play pen, stacking up the big building blocks which were Christie-Mae's at first but have been handed down to Leigh-Anna and now these 3 and soon they'll be passed down to Evi

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