Chapter 15: hungover (kinda)

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Sophie's POV 

I woke up the next morning before everyone else. I looked around and noticed everyone else was still asleep. So I got up and headed to my bedroom and got changed into some ripped jeans and a long sleeved top before doing my hair and makeup. Once I was ready, I came out my room to find everyone still asleep. I headed into the kitchen, made 4 cups of coffee and a cup of tea. Once they were made, I carried them over to the coffee table and set them in front of everyone ready for when they woke up. I headed back into the kitchen and started making breakfast. Whilst cooking the bacon, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and they said "mornin". I smirked and replied "mornin. The smell of food wake you?" I knew it was Sonny as I could smell his aftershave that he had on yesterday. Sonny replied "yeah it did. Liv, Fin and Amanda are still asleep". I giggled and continued to cook breakfast.

Sonny's POV 

I woke up this morning with a banging headache but could smell bacon cooking. I noticed 4 coffees on the table and a cup of tea. I guessed that the tea was for Sophie. I sat up and could smell bacon cooking. I looked at the others and they were still asleep so I creeped my way into the kitchen and wrapped my arms around her waist and said "mornin". Sophie replied "mornin. The smell of food wake you?" I replied "yeah. It did. Liv, Amanda and Fin are still asleep." Sophie giggles and continued to make breakfast. I then said "also, i love your hair and that outfit. Really suits you" Sophie turned around smiled and kissed me on the lips. Damn she's a good kisser. We pulled apart and I asked "are we a thing now or what?" Sophie smiled, kissed me again and said "only if you want to be a thing". I smiled and replied "I'd like that". We smiled at each other and smiled and kissed again before Sophie continued to make breakfasts for all of us. 

Liv's POV

I woke up, smelled some food cooking. I sat up and noticed Sophie and Sonny in the kitchen chatting and Sophie was cooking breakfast. I noticed that I had a cup of coffee as well. So I reached over and grabbed it. I stood up and walked to the kitchen to speak with Sonny and Sophie. "Mornin you two" I said as I joined them. "Morning Liv" Sophie and Sonny said at the same time. "How did you sleep?" Sophie asked. "Alright. What about you two?" I replied and then asked. "I slept okay. Woke up with a headache dunno about baby Rollins here." Sophie slapped him and said "I covered you in water last night and I'll do it again if you call me that again Sonny. Same goes for you Liv". I held my hand up in surrender and said "alright. But how did you sleep?" Sophie smiled and said "alright. But I must have slept awkward on my shoulder as it's killing me". "Do you have any like pain relief or aspirin?" I asked. Sophie shook her head and said "I might have one in my coat pocket. One minute" and headed to my coat to check to see if I have any pain relief or any aspirin.

Fin's POV 

I woke up in the same chair that I fell asleep in. I looked around a bit confused until I noticed that Amanda was still asleep on the couch and Liv, Sophie and Sonny were in the kitchen. I grabbed the warmish coffee off the coffee table and headed over to join the others. "What's cooking?" I asked. "Bacon" Sophie said. I smiled a bit and said "better be a bacon sandwich". Sophie nodded and continued to make breakfast. It was soon done and she gave me, Liv and Carisi breakfast and then enjoyed hers. Once, breakfast we put our plates in the dishwasher and and Sophie turned it on, then we sat at the breakfast and just chatted for a bit. Amanda was still asleep. So, Sophie said "I have a idea of how to wake Manda". She got up and got something out of the cupboard. She then walked over to the sink filled it up and she signaled Liv to follow her. She picked up a cushion and gave it to Liv. Sophie told Liv "alright, your going to hit Amanda with the cushion and I'm going to spray her". Liv smirked and me and Carisi looked at each other. Then, Sophie counted down from 3 and Liv wacked Amanda before Sophie sprayed her. Amanda woke up and and shouted "what the hell!" All 4 of us burst out laughing. "You think this is funny?" she asked. We just nodded as we were laughing to hard.

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