Chapter 46: Nick Returns and Amanda and Sophie go missing

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Time jump a year later: Liv's POV

Me and the rest of the team were in the squad room eating our lunch. "So, Amanda how's yours and Mikes daughter?" I asked. "Adorable as always" Amanda said. "Good. Soph, how's Louie?" I asked. "Sleeping through Christie's and Chases lessons. Everyone at their school loves him" Sophie said. "Get out of here guys. I'll call if we catch a case" I said deciding to let them go. "Amanda, you up for going shopping?" Sophie asked. "Sure" Amanda said and the two girls walked out.

Sophie's POV

Me and Amand were walking down the street as we both came to work with our better half's. We were chatting when I felt a shiver run down my spine. "I think someone is following us" I whispered to Amanda. "I'm sure no-one is" Amanda said. Then, we were pulled into an alley. I tried to scream but a hand covered my mouth. "Why? We have two beauties for the price of one" I heard someone say. I knew it was James's brother Josh as his voice was deep. I was injected with something and I passed out.

Sonny's POV

Me, Fin and Mike were at my place. Chase and Christie took Louie to the park with Jesse, Leigh-Anne, Millie-Jane and Leigh-Anna. "I thought the girls would have been back by now" I said. "I'm sure they're fine. They'll probably be in New Look or something" Mike said. Then, my phone rang. "Carisi" I answered. "Dominick, I need you, Fin and Dodds to get down here. I tired getting ahold of Amanda and Sophie but I'm not getting an answer. I'll send you the location" Liv said. "Okay we're on our way" I said and hung up. "Hate to do this but we have a case" I said and me, Fin and Mike left my place

General POV

Sonny, Fin and Mike arrived at the scene. "Hey guys" Liv said greeting us. "What do we have Liv?" Sonny asked. "Two women. Kidnapped. The witnesses are over there. Fin, Dodds could you talk to them?" Liv asked. "Sure" Fin said and he along with Mike walked over to the witnesses.

As they spoke, Liv and Sonny looked for any clues. That is when Sonny found a note.

Ah good, you found the first clue. Times ticking to find your precious girls. That blonde hair and those blue eyes. Ohhhh. They both have nice bodies. Don't worry they're safe but times ticking. ~ Josh

Sonny called Liv over and shown her the note. She then saw two badges on the floor. "0967 and 4824. Sophie's and Amanda's numbers" Liv said. Sonny had tears brim in his eyes at the when he came to realize that his wife and sister-in-law have been kidnapped.

Amanda's POV

I woke up and I was in a dark room on a matress. I looked to my side and saw Sophie there. I gently shook her. She woke up. "Manda, where are we?" She asked. I could hear the fear in her voice. "I don't know" I said. She sits up and grabs my hand. I can see the fear in her eyes.

Then, the door swings open. "Ahhh, perfect. You both are awake. You girls better clean up. You have your first appointment in 10 minutes" Josh said. He slapped me but slapped Sophie so hard that she fell back. "Sophie you slut. Your last" Josh said. He walked out and let the door slam shut behind him. I heard Sophie begin to cry. I pulled her into a hug and she cried on my shoulder. "I don't want to do this. I want to go home to Sonny and my kids" Sophie cried.

Fin's POV

It's been 4 hours since the girls have gone missing. We found a bunch of videos on the dark net of women working as sec slaves. We found one of both Amanda and Sophie. These bastards were still doing Sophie when the camera went off. "Fin, what's going on?" I heard a familiar voice ask. "Nick Amaro. Thought you weren't coming back" I said as I hugged him. "Same. Anyway why is everyone running around here like mad?" Nick asked. "Amanda and her sister Sophie are missing. Presumably working as sex slaves" I said. "God. How close are we to finding them?" Nick asked. "We aren't" I said. Nick nodded and we walked into Liv's office.

Sophie's POV

It's been 2 full days and these sick bastards have raped me and Amanda over and over. I'm always last so I can get it better. I'm becoming very weak from the lack of energy. "Hey beautiful girls. It's your lucky day. Two guys want to do you together in the same room" Josh said with an evil laugh. Me and Amanda nodded and were both very tired and we lack energy. We both showered and got ready into one of the outfits Josh picked us. We did our makeup and he took us to the location.

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