Chapter 34: Family court

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*A week later, Arraingment day: Sophie's POV*

Me, Sonny and the kids head into the family court. Christie is next to Barba. James, his family and his lawyer are the other side. "Ti amo da impazzire. Non dimenticarlo, Sophie"  Sonny said. "Anch'io ti amo così tanto, Dominick" I said back before kissing him. "Since when can you speak Italian?" Dominick asked surpirsed. "Since high school. I can speak, French, Italian and Spanish" I said smirking. "Sophie, Dominick" We heard a voice say. We turned a Bella was there. "Bella, hey" I said. She came over to me and hugged me and I hugged her back. "I've come to support you" Bella said as we pulled. "Realy?" I ask smiling that she's here. "Yeah. You're an amazing mom to Christie-Mae. She's lucky to have you as a mom. I have a lot of faith that you're going to win" Bella said. "Oh, grazie Bella" I say. "Non c'è problema" Bella says. 

Liv's POV

Family court days are the worst. I don't know what that jackass James wants to do with Christie-Mae after nearly 14 years. Sophie has taken amazing care of her and Christie has become such an amazing young woman. "Your honor. That's ridiculous. Mr. Campbell hasn't been in her life and he hasn't payed child support. Plus, his brother is a drug addict and his parents are alcoholics. Christie-Mae has grown up with a caring mother who was a child herself when she had her" Barba objected. "That's not my point. Miss. Rollins is a NYPD detective who barley makes time for her kids. If something happens the children are going to be seperated and go with their biological parents" James's lawyer said. "Objection. Miss Rollins, has returned to work 3 months ago after having twin girls. She and her partner get off work at 4 to make sure the kids have tea and are in bed. So, that was aload of bull what Attorney Jackson said" Barba said. "Okay. Recess. Jury will decide who will be rewarded custody" the judge said. We all get up and walk out and go outside.

Barba's POV

I meet the others outside. "James has always been a jackass" Sophie said. "I have a lot of confidence that you will get full custody" I say. Sophie smiles and nods. James then comes out. "Hey Sophie, there is no chance you're getting Christie" James said. "But there is" Sophie said. James came over but Carisi blocked her and punched him. James punched him back. Sophie grabbed Sonny and pulled him to aside and we pulled James to aside. "You might have no chance now" I say.

Sophie's POV

"ragazza sexy, non ne vale la pena" I say to Dominick. "Era uno. Si meritava quel pugno" Dominck said. "Vero" I said. "Christie merita di stare con noi, non con lui" Sonny said. "Lo so. Barba ha detto che potremmo vincere. Avevo 15 anni quando l'avevo. Questo significa che non la amo meno" I said. Amanda, Liv, Fin and Barba comes over but we continue to speak in Italain. "Ti ho detto di recente che il tuo incredibile" Sonny said. "No, non hai" I say. "Okay, what did you guys say?" Fin asks. "An italian conversation. That's what we had" I say. "You speak italian?" Liv asks. "Yeah. I speak 3 forgien languages fluently" I said. "Oh really. What languages?" Fin asked. "Italian, French and Spanish" I said. Barba stepped aside and when he came back he said "Jury's back". We nodded and as we started walking inside, Sonny put his arm around me and whispered "Andrà tutto bene". I nod and we head back inside.

Bella's POV

I was sat one side of Sophie and Sonny sat the other. I had Amanda and Liv sat to my other side and Fin sat the other side of Sonny. "Please stand" the judge said. Rafael, Christie-Mae, Jackass James and his attorney stood up. "Who are you rewarding full custody to?" the judge asked the head juror. "The parent we are rewarding full custody to is Detective Sophie Rollins. James Campbell is not allowed near Christie-Mae or her family" the head juror said. "Jury, the state of New York thanks you for your service" the judge said. We all feel like a huge weight has been lifted off our shoulders as we breathe a sigh of relief. Sonny and Sophie hug each other and when the pull, Christie-Mae runs over to Sophie and they hug. "We ready to go home?" Amanda asks. "Definitlely" we all say. Then, we walk out

Italian words translated:

I love you so much. Don't forget that, Sophie - Ti amo da impazzire. Non dimenticarlo, Sophie.

I love you so much too, Dominick - Anch'io ti amo così tanto, Dominick.

Babe he's not worth it - ragazza sexy, non ne vale la pena

He was a jackass. He deserved that punch - Era uno. Si meritava quel pugno

True – Vero

Christie deserves to be with us not him - Christie merita di stare con noi, non con lui

I know. Barba said we might win. I was 15 when i had her. That means i don't love her any less - Lo so. Barba ha detto che potremmo vincere. Avevo 15 anni quando l'avevo. Questo significa che non la amo meno

Have i told you recently that your amazing - Ti ho detto di recente che il tuo incredibile

No, you haven't - No, non hai

Everything is going to be fine - Andrà tutto bene

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