Chapter 11: feelings admitted

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Sophie's POV 

Amanda headed back to her room and Liv, Sonny and Fin headed home. It was late at night and I was really tired. Being stuck in hospital sucks but luckily Carisi bought some of mine and Amanda's things from our apartment to keep us occupied whilst being out of action at work. I was sat in my bed on my phone and when I looked at the time at the time 11.30 pm I knew that it was time for me to go to sleep. So, I turned my phone off, put it beside my bed, layed down and fell asleep.

Next morning: Amanda's POV

I woke up in the exact same position I fell asleep. I reached over and grabbed my phone. It was only 8.30 am. I seriously doubt Sophie will be awake. But, it's best to check. I opened my messages and click on Sophie. 'Morning, just checking to see if your awake. Sorry if I woke you. Love ya sis xx' I typed before pressing send. I waited 10 minutes and never got a response. That means Sophie must still be asleep. Mind everything we recently went through she will be nackered so she needs all the sleep she can get. 

Then I heard a knock on my door, I looked up to see the same 3 people who have been here though out this ordeal. Me and Sophie are just lucky to have them in our lives. Then, a few from intelligence came in. "Morning Rollins" Fin said. "Morning guys" I said. "How ya sleep?" Erin asked. "Alright, I've texted Soph but haven't heard back she must still be asleep I guess" I said. "Yeah she is" Halstead said before continuing "we went to her room first but when we noticed she was still asleep we decided to come here instead". I said "yeah smart idea". "What's that suppost to mean?" Voight asked. "It means that never and I mean never wake Sophie. She doesn't like being woken up and she's definitely not a morning person". "I know that for a fact" Sonny said. Antonio spoke up and asked "how?" Sonny and me looked at each other and he said "one night, we were working a case that ran into the late hours. Soph fell asleep at her desk and Amanda asked if could help her take Sophie home. I agreed and ended up staying the night. Woke them up the next morning and Sophie did what any 'morning person' would do". Liv asked "what's that?" "Go back to sleep kinda" Sonny said. We all laughed.

Sophie's POV 

I woke up around 11 am. I grabbed my phone and noticed a message from Amanda from a few hours ago. I clicked on the message and opened it. 'Morning, I am now. Since when are you a early bird xx?' I replied. I then clicked on All 4 and started watching some One Tree Hill. Then Amanda replied 'about time lazy head. Benson and that are here xx'. I started to type 'nice. What you doing xx?' then pressed send. I put my earphones in before continuing my episode. 'Chatting to everyone. What about you xx?' I smiled then replied 'watching One Tree Hill on All4 xx'. I continued episode 1 of Season 1 when Amanda replied 'since when is that on there. Also we're about to come to your room if it's okay by you xx?' I smiled once again and replied 'yeah it's cool by me. See ya soon xx' I went back to my show. 

Then there was a knock at the door. I didn't hear it at first as I was too invested in my show. Then, I received a notification 'get your head out of your phone and look up'. It was from Amanda. I looked up and signaled for them to come in. "Sorry I never heard the door first, I had my sound on full volume" I said. "It's okay Soph, looks like you were enjoying whatever you were watching" Liv said. "What were your rewatching Soph?" Erin asked. "One Tree Hill. I've waited ages to watch it." I said. "Who's your favorite?" Halstead asked. "Probs Nathan and Brooke. But Haley is second" I said. "Okay. Who's your least favorite?" I smirked and replied "that's easy Dan". We all laughed as I put my phone down. "How long you guys been here?" I asked. "Not long. Also could you guys give us a minute?" Sonny said then asked. Everyone nodded and headed out. 

I turned to Sonny and asked "why did you want everyone out?" Sonny let out a deep breath and said "there's something I've been meaning to tell you Soph". I looked at him confused as he grabbed my hands and continued "I don't know how to put this but when you and Amanda got kidnapped I never thought I would see you both again. I've been meaning to say something to you for ages but I never had the courage to do it. When your doctor told us you were in a coma I thought I was going to lose you Sophie. Really, all I'm saying is that I love you and I want to know if you want to grab a drink sometime once your out and fully recovered?" I had tears in my eyes. I then smiled and nodded my head. Sonny smiled as-well. He whipped my tears before kissing my lips passionately. When we pull apart I notice Amanda, Liv and Fin at the door looking shocked. Me and Sonny look at each other and just laugh.

"You two done?" Fin asked as they walked in. "I think we are. Halstead, Lindsay and that gone home?" I asked. "Yeah. Chicago stuff to do is what Voight said" Amanda said to me. I laughed and said "of course". Sonny sat on one side of my bed to allow Liv to sit in the chair and Amanda sat on the other side so Fin could sit down. Sonny sneakily grabbed my hand without the others knowing. Amanda moved next to me which allowed me to cuddle into her. "I just can't wait to get out of here" I said to Amanda. "Why?" She asked. "So I can be back in my own bed. Hospital beds suck. Just like hospital food". After I said that everyone burst out laughing. 

Sonny's POV

A few hours later and Amanda headed back to her room and Liv and Fin headed home. I decided to stay with Sophie. "Looks like the others know now" I said to her. "Yeah" she said then yawned. Sophie cuddled into me and rested her head on my chest. We continued to watch some Grey's Anatomy. Half way through Sophie fell asleep. I pulled the blanket up over us and I continued to watch the TV. About midnight, I started to get tired myself so I turned the TV off and fell asleep with Sophie still on top of me. 

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