Chapter 37

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Sierra's POV

I felt like my body was falling down a rabbit hole as I tried to stop myself before I crashed to the ground at the bottom. I couldn't let myself land, I had to stop myself. They needed me, I needed them. I couldn't leave them, not like this. I heard Austin's voice, shaky and laced heavy with tears and he was begging me to fight one last time. I would do it, for him. I would fight hard to stay with him and beg him constantly for his forgiveness when I got out of this retched state for running from him like I did.

I was trying hard to fight my body from plummeting down the rabbit hole, memories of mine and Austin's time floating past me when I was suddenly stopped, dangling in mid air at a memory that changed everything. It felt like my body was being projected into that very moment and time as I stood in the corner, a mere image of myself, as I watched the memory unfold before me.

I woke up on the couch, my back resting against Austin's chest my head resting on his shoulder, his arms wrapped around me as he was snoring softly. I squirmed slightly in his embrace, his arms tightening around me in a very protective manner making me smile like a fool. I still couldn't believe he ditched a party that was being thrown to celebrate his success with his Runaway Tour to come and sit here with me watching reruns of Sons of Anarchy when he could be drinking and partying with his friends. It was something about that romantic gesture that made me realize the intensity of his feelings for me.

I turned around in his arms, my chest resting against his, my arms resting awkwardly around his neck as I started to press soft sweet kisses into the crook of his neck, his snores being replaced with soft moans. His hands slowly started to roam up the backs of my thighs, resting briefly on my voluptuous ass giving it a quick squeeze before slipping under my shirt making their way up my back. I smiled into his neck realizing he was coming to life as I started running my lips to meet his, melting them together sweetly.

His hands came up and tangled in my hair as he instantly deepened the kiss, his tongue slowly running across my bottom lip begging for entrance that I gave him immediately. I relished in the intimacy of our kiss, the emotion running through it was so raw and so real. I felt his one hand leave the back of my hair as it slowly slid down my back, resting on my ass. He slowly started moving his hips up to meet mine. I let out a small moan into his mouth knowing exactly what he wanted but knowing he was also taking things at my pace.

Since the night I confessed to him that I wanted to be with him, I knew that I was coming close to giving myself to him in everyway, but I knew that when that happened there would be no turning back for me. I knew that me finally giving myself to him would put the official seal on our relationship, and I think I was finally there. I didn't want to make this man wait anymore. After spending that amazing night together I knew that he wasn't just being nice to me to get in my pants, he really liked me for me and giving myself to him would be the most amazing thing I have ever done.

I pulled away from him, pulling my bottom lip in between my teeth sitting up in his lap. I pushed some stray pieces of hair behind my ear as my eyes danced across his beautiful face.

"Si, what did I? Is everything okay?" he asked, his face filled with concern as his hands ran comfortingly over my thighs.

I pulled him up to sit on the couch, pressing my lips quickly against his as they parted with a small suction sound, his lips still slightly parted as his eyes fluttered open slowly. "Yes Ocean Eyes, everything is more than okay" I smiled running my hands through his hair.

"Are you sure?" he asked, his hands resting on my waist.

I nodded my head quickly giving a small giggle, my thumbs running on the tattoos under his eyes as I gave him a quick smile. "Before I say or do anything else, let's un-Posty you" I laughed as I reached behind his neck removing his diamond choker, taking out his overly large diamond studs and removing his diamond Rolex from his wrist.

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