Chapter 56

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I woke up the next morning with a note laying next to me on the pillow that Austin had been occupying what felt like moments before, when I groggily opened my eyes to the bright morning sun shining brightly through the large windows of the bedroom before closing them again in hopes of stealing a few more precious hours of sleep, which I apparently had succeeded in doing. I couldn't help the smile that tugged violently at the corners of my lips as I read his words that were scrawled in his untidy script on a random piece of paper he must've found laying around our house.

Morning Si. I hope you're ready for our amazing weekend together! I thought I'd help you out by giving you a list of things that you should pack so here it goes. Something comfortable, something casual and something sexy.

I laughed to myself as I read his suggestions, even though I knew there was more to his little letter. The typical three suggestions were very Austin and very basic and to the point, not a single part of me being surprised if he actually ended the note there as I kept reading.

Okay but seriously. You should pack something comfortable for cuddling with the most amazing person in the world, something fancy... yes like little black dress fancy, and most definitely something sexy because no matter how I act you are far more attractive to me than any chicken parm that Jodie cooks ;-) Love you SiSi

I read the note over again, swooning at his innuendos and playful banter taking that as a sign that he was having another good day. It was becoming increasingly easier to wake up each morning with less and less pain, even though it wasn't gone completely there was that flicker of hope on the horizon that everything was going to be okay.

I slid myself out from between the sheets, my bare feet touching the chilly hardwood floor as I silently cursed Austin for keeping our bedroom like a meat locker, quickly making my way across the room only to be met with the same if not worse fate in the bathroom. I quickly started the shower in hopes the steam would make the room more comfortable, pulling Austin's maroon shirt over my head tossing it to the floor carelessly before pulling my long locks out of the restraint of the ponytail I was using to hold it high on top of my head.

I stepped into the shower, the hot water biting my skin as I let it wash over my body loving the way it warmed me as it sheltered me from the cold room. I relished in the feeling of the water washing over my skin in sheets before I grabbed my loofa and continued with my regular shower routine, finishing rather quickly as I turned off the shower reaching my hand out of the frosted door as it was met with the chill of the room, my hand grasping around the fluffy white towel as I quickly drug it back inside and started towel drying off every bit of my body. I wrapped the towel tightly around myself, taking in a deep breath as I prepared myself to meet the chill of the air as I stepped out of the comforting heat of the shower, a shiver going through my body as I adjusted to the sudden temperature shift.

I walked back out to our bedroom, shocked that Austin hadn't come back yet, dropping my towel on the floor as I made my way to the dresser that I told Austin I would use. It was still warm in Utah in the fall, so I decided on a pair of black jean shorts with a white fitted tank that I slid over my shoulders. I tucked it in as I decorated my waist with the black Gucci belt that Austin had bought me while we were shopping over a year ago, just because I told him that I liked it, the gesture still making me shake my head.

I opened up the small jewelry box that I kept on the top of the dresser as I started raking through the various pieces of jewelry that lived there. I settled on the three Alex and Ani bracelets that Trevor had gotten me for mother's day as I slid them onto my wrist, with a pair of small diamond studs that my parents got me for my birthday and the key pendant necklace that Austin got me from Tiffany's.

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