Chapter 19

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Sierra's POV
We drove in a comfortable silence as he made a left making his way out of the canyon towards Sandy.

"Where are we going Austin?" I asked him.

"Sit back and enjoy the ride baby girl" he smiled holding his hand out for me to grab. I obliged as I laced my fingers in his.

"I don't know how you expect me to sit back and enjoy the ride when I'm secretly dying inside to drive this sexy truck" I laughed at him.

"This truck?" he asked looking over at me quickly, his eyebrows raised and a smug smirk on his face.

"No Austin, the truck that just passed us. Yes this truck" I laughed rolling my eyes.

He pulled off an exit and pulled off the side of the road unbuckling his seat belt and opening the door hopping out, the loud engine filling the cab. Next thing I knew he was standing next to me helping me out, a smile spread across his face.

"Be my guest Si" he said as he hopped in the passenger seat and closed the door.

I couldn't contain my smile as I walked over and climbed in the drivers seat. I looked over at him a smile on my face as I pushed the seat up as far as it would go.

"Oh Jesus, now my knees are going to be in my chest the next time I get in" he laughed rolling his head on the headrest to look at me.

"I'll move it back Ocean Eyes, relax" I said as I adjusted the mirrors for myself before putting the truck in drive.

"Hold on just a second, you've driven a truck before right? Like you know what your doing?" he laughed nervously.

"Yes Austin, I used to drive my Dad's truck all the time. This was my dream truck but I could never afford it" I laughed as I pulled the truck easily onto the road.

"Well now you have it and can drive it whenever you want" he said with a smile. "Take a right baby girl"

We drove another few minutes down the road when he had me pull into the Sandy Amphitheater.

"Austin, this was my favorite place to come and watch the sunset when I first moved here" I said with a smile as I parked the truck and killed the engine.

"How was it possible I've never seen you" he smiled as I handed him back his keys, moved his seat back and hopped out.

"Maybe we did and just never knew" I said wrapping my arms around him and laying my head on his chest.

We sat there for a few minutes before he pulled away from me, walking to the back and opening the tailgate. He grabbed me by my waist and carefully lifted me up, giggles leaving my lips.

"I love when you laugh Sierra. It's one of the most beautiful sounds I've ever heard" he said as he tilted his head up looking at me with a smile.

I put both my hands on the side of his face as I leaned in to kiss him our lips connecting beautifully.

"Austin your too sweet" I said with a shy smile.

"I'm just being me Si" he laughed as he turned himself around and hopped up on the tailgate.

"Well you are an amazing person Austin," I said as I snuggled myself into his side.

"So you don't have to if you don't want to, I would totally understand. But can we talk about Zach?" he asked me.

I laced his fingers with mine as I took in a deep breath. If I wanted something to happen between the two of us I was going to have to open up to him about my life. I turned my head to look up at him, his eyes staring down at me as his thumb gently rubbed over my knuckles.

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