Chapter 36

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Austin's POV 

I quickly pulled my cellphone out of my pocket, my hands shaking the entire time as I hit Jodie's name. They had to know, I couldn't leave them sitting at their house thinking everything was okay. But I didn't want them to tell Trevor, I didn't want him knowing this his Mom was going to the hospital. Honestly, I didn't quite know what I wanted them to do but deep down inside all I felt certain about was they had to know. The phone rang several times before Jodie's jovial voice rang through the speaker. 

"Hi kiddo! How is everything?" she asked, her question at the end surely gesturing towards whether or not Sierra and I cleared the mess up. 

"Listen Jodie, I need you to go to a different room please" I said to her. I loved her and everything but she was definitely not a person that could keep her emotions in check and I knew as soon as I told her what happened she would break down in front of both my Dad and Trevor and that was the last thing that I wanted. 

Shit, maybe I should've asked to talk to my Dad. Too late just spill it Austin.

"Jodie, I am on my way to the hospital" I said in a quiet tone as I looked over at the officer driving my car. 

"Your what? What happened? Are you okay? Is Sierra okay? Austin what is going on?" she asked in a rushed voice. 

"Jodie, you need to calm down please. Calm down for Trevor" I said trying to keep my voice calm when in reality I wanted to break down in tears as images of Sierra's limp and lifeless body flashed through my head as they removed her from the wreckage. 

"It's Sierra? Austin what happened?" she asked a frantic tone in her voice. 

"Sierra and I were just about to have dinner, we had talked everything out and we were well on our way to working towards forgetting everything that happened. Then fucking Melo showed up at my house" I said, my fist clenching quickly before I threw my head back against the white leather of the headrest, my hand unclenching and running over my face as I struggled to keep in the tears that wanted so badly to break through. 

"Austin..." she said. 

"Jodie just listen please. I didn't want her there, I didn't call her there she came on her own. Sierra walked out into the kitchen and Melo just threw herself at me and made it look like we were involved in something the whole time that she was there. I stopped her Jodie I promise I did, but Sierra didn't want to listen to me. She ran back into the bedroom and grabbed a  bag of her stuff and ran to her car. I tried to stop her Jodie, I tried so hard" I said, the tears finally breaking through as they started to run down my face quickly. 

"We are almost there Mr. Post, hang in there" the officer said reassuringly as he looked at me with a sympathetic smile. 

"Austin, what are you saying?" Jodie asked me and I could here the incredulous nature coming through in her voice. 

"She left me, but I ran after her. I knew where she was headed and I drove after her. But when I got to where she was going" I paused, the tears welling up in my eyes making the vision in front of me nothing but a hazy mess, my throat feeling like it was swelling closed the lump inside of it had gotten so big. 

"It was so bad Jodie....the blood...she wasn't moving.. fuck I'm so fucking scared right now" my head dropped as I caught it with my hand, my shoulders shaking slightly as I broke down on the phone to her.

"Austin, I'm going to send your Dad to the hospital, you can't be alone okay? Everything is going to be fine.  She is going to be fine" her soothing voice-which I knew she tried so hard to sound calm for me- floating through the other end of the phone providing me with some sense of calmness but not enough to make everything go away. 

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