Chapter 46

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Sierra's POV

"You're sure about this Si?" Austin asked me, walking out of our walk in closet in a pair of light wash jeans, holding his Prescott Jersey in his hand as he was getting ready to throw it over his beautifully inked torso. He stepped in front of me, just getting ready to put his arms into the meshy material when I stopped him, my fingertips running softly over his skin as I took in every piece of artwork that was inked there.

With a smirk I grabbed his hand and yanked him down next to me, his body falling down on the bed as he let out a small laugh, his strong left arm reaching out and wrapping around my tiny torso as he leaned on his right. I leaned into him, pressing my lips gently over every piece of artwork that was in reach to me. I could feel his eyes staring at me intently as he watched my every move. After seductively placing my lips over his inked pieces of art, I started kissing my way back up towards his lips. My right hand cupped his left cheek, my thumb running slowly over the sawblade that he had tattooed there before I sweetly meshed our lips together.

"You sure you want me to go Si? I can think of only one other thing that I would love to do more than watch the game" he laughed, his left hand coming up and gently pushing some hair behind my ear.

"Oh yeah Ocean Eyes, and what is that" I smiled before bringing my bottom lip between my teeth as I playfully roamed my eyes over his gorgeous face. Before I knew what hit me, his arm was slung around my waist and my back was flat against our soft mattress. Austin's body was hovering over me as he nestled his lips into my neck, alternating between soft wet kisses and harsh love bites on my sensitive skin.

"Making love to you" he said  quietly, pushing his growing bulge against my sensitive heat as I took in a sharp breath. Feeling him rock hard in my hand only hours before was not helping my growing need of feeling him inside of me, and he knew it. "Then cuddling with you as we watched the game together, Rich and Jodie can watch Trevor" he said, his words only slightly convincing me.

"As much as I would love that Austin" I said, my fingertips running up his back as I felt the goosebumps starting to form in their wake, my lips gently grabbing on the fleshy lobe of his ear as I pulled it slightly. "You need to go out and have some fun, and then we can have the real fun when you come home" I said to him, a low moan drifting out of his mouth as I felt his bulge become more prominent at my words.

"Your going to make it so hard to leave you right now" he said, pushing himself off of me as he rested his weight on his palms looking down at me with a smirk on his face.

"Want me to take care of this? Would that make it easier?" I asked him with a smirk as my fingers started to fiddle with his belt buckle. I laughed as his eyes got wide, his lips pulling into a smile as he pushed himself up off of me laughing and shaking his head.

"No no, no touchy Si" he said, playfully wagging his finger at me as he sat up on his knees looking down at me, his hands covering his crotch as I couldn't help but break into a fit of laughter. "You touch me now, we are not leaving this bed" he said with the sweetest laugh I have heard from him since before I went into the hospital.

"Fine fine" I said holding my hands up in mock surrender. "Guess it will just build the anticipation for later" I said winking at him as I grabbed his jersey that was laying in a heap next to me and tossed it at him.

He pulled it over his head before he crashed back down onto the mattress, his head being supported by his left arm as his right hand laid comfortably on my stomach. "Maybe tonight will be the night we make our little nugget" he said, his eyes moving from my stomach as they quickly came up to focus on mine.

"I hope so baby" I said with a sweet smile as he melted his lips into mine, moving them with such passion that I would've let myself get lost in the act right now if I hadn't been so adamant on getting him out of the house tonight.

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