Chapter 9

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FYI: Chapter is filled with physical abuse, it was hard for me to write. I know this is probably why this story isn't getting many reads as it's such a trigger inducing topic, but it's crucial for the background. There will only be one other time I write about physical abuse this heavily.

Flashback- Sierra's POV

I felt a tear slide down my cheek as I made my way towards my tiny house in Salt Lake City, the entire time wondering why I left. I didn't know him, but he made me feel comfortable and safe. But deep inside I knew I was with Zach, and no matter what he did to me I couldn't be unfaithful to him. But that kiss, that kiss made it hard to walk away.

I pulled into the driveway, Zach's Ford F150 parked in his normal spot. I knew that he hadn't sent me a text telling me to go home, but it was my home and I had everything here for Trevor. I started shaking as I pulled my car next to his and shut off the engine. I slowly opened the door and walked around to the passenger side pulling Trevor out of his car seat, grabbing his diaper bag and swinging it over my shoulder as I slowly walked towards my front door.

I turned the handle and my heart started racing as I slowly pushed open the door, the TV blaring with some show that he loved watching. I looked around the corner to see him sitting on the couch, his feet resting on the large ottoman in front of him. I closed the door slowly, careful not to make much noise to disrupt him. I had almost succeeded when Trevor started to cry. My eyes grew wide as they darted over towards him.

"I didn't tell you you could come home yet" he said lowly, his hand bunching into a fist as he slammed it against the arm of the couch.

"I know Zach, I'm sorry. I have no where else to go and Trevor's things are all here" I said sheepishly, my eyes focusing on the floor as I softly bounced Trevor up and down on my hip to get him to quiet down.

"You think I fucking care? If you weren't such a pain in the ass maybe you would have some fucking friends, did you ever think about that?" he said flatly.

"Your right, I'm sorry" I said quietly.

"You should apologize because now I have to put up with your ass and his" he spat as he got off the couch and walked over towards me and Trevor.

I felt my whole body tense as he grabbed my face between his hand and turned it hard to face him. His grip causing my face to cringe in pain.

"Shit, I really did a number on you huh" he laughed taking in my bruised face, my bloodshot eye and the bruise around my neck. He leaned down into me, pushing my hair behind my ear, grabbing tightly onto my arm.

"I don't feel bad Sierra, don't think that for a second I do. You deserved what you got for how you talked to me. Let this be a reminder to you the next time you think of acting like that. Next time it'll be worse" he whispered menacingly into my ear, sending shivers of fear down my spine.

He walked away from me as tears started to slide down my face, Trevor looking at me as his little fingers reached out to touch one of the tears sliding slowly down my cheek. I walked with Trevor to his room and closed the door behind me making sure that it was locked, falling into the rocking chair.

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket thinking of sending a text to Austin to let him know I made it home when I saw that he already beat me to it. I opened my messages reading through them.

Sierra have you made it back to your house?

Sierra, is everything okay?

Sorry Austin, yes I made it home.

Is everything okay? Is he home?

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