Chapter 13

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Flashback- Austin's POV

I walked into the living room with my Dad and Jodie after making sure Sierra was okay. I took a deep breath trying to explain this situation.

"I saw her at the porcupine the other night when I was there having a few drinks with Adam." I said to my Dad and Jodie.

"Okay, so where does this fit in?" he asked me gesturing around to the three of us sitting in her house.

"Well this asshole walked up to her and started yelling at her in the middle of the packed restaurant and she was trying so hard to get herself and her son put together so that she could leave and he gave her this look that just sent this bad feeling through my body" I said remembering back to how he looked at her.

"Okay, so what made you decide to interfere? Did anyone else try to?" he asked.

"No, no one else offered to help her and that's what really surprised me. You had always taught me Dad to always treat a woman with respect" I said looking up into his eyes.

He nodded at me in response.

"I don't think Sierra has been treated with much since she met this guy. I offered to help her and she got super nervous as if she would get in trouble if I had helped her. So I followed her out and went and held the door for her and that's when I saw it all go down" I said my eyes quickly diverting back towards the ground.

"What happened?" Jodie asked.

"He hit her. He hit her so hard. I wanted to run to her so bad and take her away from it all but Kevin stopped me acting like I was the one who needed to be protected. And it wasn't just him hitting her. I'm surprised she didn't have a concussion he slammed the back of her head so hard into the side window and he had such a tight grip on her neck" I said wishing I didn't have to remember that night.

"So how did you end up here?" my Dad asked me raising an eyebrow.

"I took her and Trevor back to my place. I gave her ice for her face and made sure that she was as okay as she could be and I put her to bed. I couldn't let her go home guys, she has no one here besides him" I said starting to feel a lump rise in my throat as I remembered her crying to me asking me to help her.

"Why didn't you call someone?" Jodie asked me.

"Who was I going to call? Not to mention the asshole fucking left with some other girl" I said.

"Anyway we ended up spending the day together and then she went home. I really didn't want her to come back here, I just had a feeling something bad was going to happen. Then she called me crying and I came here as soon as I could" I said looking at the both of them.

"Do you know much about this girl? Are you getting yourself into trouble by helping her? What does her boyfriend do? Aren't you worried about him finding you?" Jodie asked rapidly.

"No I don't know much about her Jodie but that doesn't matter to me right now. I also don't care what I am getting myself into, she has no one. I don't know if you guys missed that part or not" I said.

"So you now feel responsible for her after what you saw at the pub and grille, is that what I am getting out of this?" my Dad asked me.

"No Dad, she isn't a charity case. I feel something here, I feel like I was brought to her for a reason and now I just can't let her go" I said running my hand through my hair.

"Austin, I commend you for what you are doing. I know that I raised a great son. But you have to think about what you are walking into here. She's in an abusive relationship, it's going to be hard to get her to leave let alone feel comfortable with anyone else for a while" my Dad said staring at me.

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