Chapter 26

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Austin's POV

I pulled on my black leather pants and black short sleeved button down. I grabbed a rhinestone studded belt from my closet as I threaded it through the loops carefully before walking over to my jewelry drawer and putting on my diamond choker and my pad lock necklace, sliding my Mille on my wrist.

I walked out of my closet as my jaw almost hit the floor as I took in Sierra. She wore tight leather leggings, the Louboutins I had bought for her on her feet. A black lace body suit covered the top of her that she covered up with a red leather moto jacket. Her hair was done in perfect curls that hung down to the middle of her back, a light pink gloss covering her already perfect plump lips.

"If you wanted to match me Ocean Eyes all you had to do was say so" she laughed as she walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my waist, her shoes making her tall but not tall enough where I didn't have to bend down to kiss her.

"You look stunning SiSi. I'm going to have to fight to keep the guys off you tonight" I said as I ran my hands down her sides biting my bottom lip as she teased me with her eyes.

"This is the first time I'll be seen in public with you again as your girlfriend. I gotta make sure I don't let Posty down" she playfully laughed.

"Oh princess believe me you won't" I said as I kissed her lips and grabbed her hand walking her out towards Trevor and Bethany.

"Damn you guys look so hot" Bethany said, as I noticed she couldn't keep her eyes off of me making me chuckle, I still didn't understand my effect on women.

"He's delicious isn't he Beth?" she asked giving me a wink as she put her tongue between her teeth.

"Your both too sexy, hot damn" Bethany said as she laughed.

"Mommy!!" Trevor yelled as he ran over to Sierra.

"You be a good boy for Bethany okay? Remember it's bed time soon, don't you try to convince her you stay up late" she said to him as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I won't Mommy I promise" he said kissing her back before reaching his hands out to me.

"You be good buddy, I'll see you tomorrow when you wake up?" I asked.

"Uh huh" he said as I sat him down as the Escalade pulled into the driveway.

"Come on Si, we have to go" I said as I grabbed her gently and put her in front of me.

"Bye Mommy I love you! Bye Daddy I love you!" Trevor shouted as he blew us both kisses.

"Bye buddy we love you too" I said as we waved goodbye.

"Boy your lucky Bethany doesn't spread gossip. She'd have so much to feed the fans" Sierra laughed as I helped her in the Escalade.

"I like her, I think she's a keeper for a babysitter" I said climbing in behind her as I closed the door.

"Good because Trev loves her a lot" she said as I leaned into her running my hand up and down her thigh before pressing my lips to hers.

I pulled away quickly licking my lips with a smile as my eyes danced with hers.

"Si I'm so sorry, I just can't get enough of you since you came back. Your like my drug and I'm always craving my next fix" I said resting my forehead against hers.

"Take as much as you want baby, I'm your never ending supply" she said quietly as she pressed her lips against mine moving her body so she straddled my lap, an intense make out session happening in the back of the Escalade the entire way to the club.

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