Chapter 59

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"Well well well it's about time I can start referring to you as Sierra Post" Rick said as he pulled me into a warm hug, my arms barely making it around his thick stature as I placed a kiss on his cheek. "Congratulations Si" he said as I pulled away from him as I started to slide into the back of the car, a polite thank you leaving my lips through my happy tears.

"You finally did it Post!" he laughed as he grabbed onto Austin's hand and pulled him into what I affectionately referred to as the bro hug, a smile on my face as I saw Austin beaming with excitement.

"I did" he said with a head nod, "Even though it was something I should've done long ago" he said as Rick gave him a soft tap on the back before Austin slid in next to me, his hand immediately finding mine as he laced our fingers together pressing a soft kiss to the temple of my head.

"Sierra Post... I love it" I smiled up at him, his lips connecting with mine briefly as we pulled away from each other.

"I knew it would sound perfect" he laughed as he nodded his head, the both of us trying to get as close to each other as we could to relish in the new found excitement that was coursing through both of our bodies.

"Does Jodie and Rich know?" I asked with a laugh as he nodded his head slowly, taking a drag on yet another cigarette I had not even noticed he lit as he blew the smoke out of the cracked tinted window.

"They do, Jodie helped me pick it out. It isn't a coincidence that I went with a pink theme tonight Si. She told me that's the color you wanted the wedding to be so I thought hell might as well go all the way with it" he laughed, placing the cigarette between his lips again, my eyes focusing on him as he did so, everything about the action sending tingles through my body. I'm not sure why but I had always thought him smoking a cigarette was one of the sexiest things I have ever seen.

"You know Si, if you take a picture it'll last longer" he said, my face flushing red as I playfully smacked him on the arm and slid away from him, my arms crossing across my chest as I looked out of the passenger side window, his laugh floating over towards me as I felt his arms reach out and connect with my hips as he slid me over towards him.

"You can't be mad at me Si, you can't even pretend to be mad at me especially not right now" he laughed as he started assaulting my neck with the tiny kisses that he knew I loved. I closed my eyes letting myself slip away into the paradise I was so craving to visit, a small moan leaving my lips as I heard him let out a sexy chuckle.

"Soon baby girl and I'll give you everything you're craving" his low raspy voice traveled through my ears as I fought the urge that was building inside of me to have him right here in the back of his car, not even caring that Rick was in the front seat.

"I wish I didn't have morals" I chuckled as he kept kissing my neck, his actions not helping my thoughts as I struggled with all of my will power to push them to the back of my brain.

"And why is that beautiful" he whispered into my ear, his lips slowly kissing on the lobe as he pulled it gently between his teeth, before kissing down my neck again. A surge of wetness pooling at my entrance as I found it was becoming increasingly harder to keep steady breaths and an even heartbeat.

I let out a pleasurable moan his hands starting to slide down the front of my dress as he started moving his fingers slowly up my bare thighs, taunting me as he playfully slid them over my silky white thong, his fingers taunting my entrance through the fabric as I started pushing against them.

"Because I'd fuck you right now and not even give two shits that Rick is in the front seat" I said through labored breaths, my need for him growing stronger and stronger as I took in a sharp breath as his thick index finger started to slowly glide through my soaked folds.

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