Chapter 29

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Sierra's POV

I woke up the next morning wrapped in Austin's arms a feeling of relief washed over me. Everything that happened last night was insane, but I was glad that we over came it and were able to talk about it. That's one thing I love so much about him, he never keeps anything from me, even if he knows it will tear my heart out he tells me the truth.

I smiled to myself as I ran my fingers over his milkshake tattoo, laughing as I wondered what was going through his head when he got it.

My fingers slowly traveled up his side, running over the tattoos on his arm until I got to the gauntlet on the left side of his face, my fingertip slowly tracing it down to his chin.

I smiled as I took in the beautiful man in front of me, he truly was like a piece of artwork and I enjoyed everything I saw.

"I love you baby, thank you so much for being my knight in shining armor" I smiled as I kissed him quickly on the lips.

I quietly slid out of the covers pulling them back up so the cold wouldn't touch his bare skin before walking to the closet. I pulled on a pair of black joggers and an off the shoulder fitted sweater, quickly throwing my hair into a long loose side braid.

I quietly padded out of the room and across the hall to see Trevor already awake and playing happily with his Thomas the Train toys on his table that Austin had set up in his room.

"Hi Mommy!" he said excitedly as he ran over to me and jumped into my arms.

"Good morning baby! Were you good for Bethany last night?" I asked as he wrapped his hands around my neck giving me a hug.

"Yes Mommy" he said before he pulled back letting me give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Good. Come on I need your help" I said setting him down on the floor as we walked out to the kitchen.

"With what Mommy?" he asked.

"We are going to make breakfast for Daddy and I need your help to make it" I smiled down at him as I ruffled his hair, a smile tugging on my lips as I referred to Austin as his Dad.

"What can we make him!?" he asked excitedly, his tiny toddler body jumping up and down with excitement.

"How about scrambled eggs, toast, bacon and some juice" I said bending down in front of him and tapping his nose.

"And a coffee for you mommy?" he asked.

"Yes buddy and definitely a coffee for Mommy" I laughed as I stood up and started to grab the stuff from the cabinets and fridge to make breakfast.

I looked at the clock and let out a chuckle. It was only 6, I wanted to wait until at least 6:30 to wake him up. I was being slightly selfish, wanting to sneak some time in with him before Dre and Louis came with whoever they were working with.

"Okay Trev, lets go grab a stool from by the counter so you can help me okay" I said as we went and grabbed a stool, laughing to myself as he was grunting moving it around...especially since I was carrying it.

"What can I do?" he asked excitedly.

"You can crack the eggs into the bowl, your good at that" I said, praising him as he was always good at cracking eggs when he would help me bake things.

"How many Mommy?" he asked looking up at me with his big round eyes.

"Hmm do 6 that should be enough" I said trying to judge by the size of the eggs.

He nodded his head as he shoved his tongue between his teeth starting to crack the eggs. It was something Austin always does when he concentrates and it made me smile. He sure picked up a lot of things from him.

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