Chapter 47

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Austin's POV

My Dad and I sat at the bar, both of us ordering a tall cold glass of Bud Light and a dozen wings each, a few fans walking over towards me asking for some photos and an autograph as I kindly obliged, giving each of them just a few minutes of my time before I centered my attention on spending some much needed time with my Dad. I loved taking care of Sierra and Trevor, just being there for them being everything that they needed me to be right now, but as much as I wanted to deny it Sierra was right. I needed just a few hours away, to relax and recharge myself so I could give my all to the two people that needed me the most, and I couldn't think of a better person to do it with then my Dad.

"I'm glad to see that you and Sierra are still doing good" my Dad said, picking up his pint of Bud Light taking a long sip before setting it back down with a small thud on the wood bar, sitting back in his chair as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"What? You think we wouldn't be?" I laughed, leaning back in my chair as well, my hands resting on the bar as I stretched them out in front of me looking over at him with shocked eyes.

"That's not what I meant" he laughed, realizing how it sounded leaving his mouth. "I meant that she hasn't killed you yet for being too annoying" he laughed, waving his hand out to the side and shaking his head with an even bigger laugh as if he realized that no matter what he was saying right now, it wasn't going to come across the way he wanted it to.

"Are you trying to tell me that I am being a helicopter fiancé?" I laughed, picking up my beer and taking a sip, holding it in my hand as I looked over at him, a small laugh leaving his mouth as he grabbed for his beer again.

"No Austin, I'm saying I think that you are feeling guilty for what happened to her, and are doing anything and everything to show her that you are sorry" he said looking over at me, his smile wiped clear off of his face as I nodded at him slowly, feeling that part of his words were right. I was feeling an extreme bought of guilt for what happened to Sierra, because no matter what anyone said to me I knew that I was the one who made this happen. If I never did what I did with Melo that night, none of this would have ever happened.

But I wasn't taking care of her the way I was because I was acting out of guilt. I was taking care of her like I was because I love her and she's my fiancée and that's what someone does when the one that they love is healing from some traumatic event. I let out a sigh bringing my glass back to my lips as I looked over at him again.

"Okay, so your partially right, I do feel extremely guilty that she's in that state, but I'm not taking care of her because I feel like I have too" I said looking down at the glass in my hand before bringing my head back up to look at him. "I love her and Trevor, and I'm just doing what is right. She needs someone now and she needs to know that I can be the one that she trusts" I said, giving a small smile and nod to the bartender as she sat our wings down in front of us.

"Anything else for you gentlemen?" she asked, resting her hands on the cooler behind the bar as she leaned over, no doubt trying to be sexy as she flashed me a smile, her eyes roaming over my face as she slowly brought her lip between her teeth.

"We're good thanks" I laughed, shaking my head as she walked away from us, a slight look of annoyance on her face that I wasn't carrying the conversation on further.

"Is Sierra ready for that?" my Dad asked looking over at me, grabbing a wing out of the basket before tearing into it.

"Ready for what?" I said shaking my head back and forth.

"Girls constantly trying to get your attention, flirting with you, handing you their numbers" he said, placing the bone in the container next to him as he grabbed the napkin and wiped off his fingers.

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