Chapter 57

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Sierra's POV

We finished our lunch happily at the Summit restaurant, a quick FaceTime to Rich and Jodie so Trevor could show them the card that Austin gave them as well as show them the papers that I signed to show that Austin was officially his Daddy. They couldn't be happier for us, even joking around with Austin that it was about time he pulled his weight and started to be the man in the relationship. I laughed at Rich's joke before leaning in and pressing a soft kiss on his cheek, the feeling of the heat raising in his cheeks very evident as I let out a small laugh.

"What time are you guys planning on dropping off Trev?" Jodie asked with a warm smile, her eyes darting between Austin and I as she couldn't stop herself from smiling.

"I think Si still needs to pack, so probably not for like another ten hours" Austin said as I playfully nudged him with my shoulder giving him my best thanks for hurting my feelings look as he started chuckling, Jodie not being able to refrain from smiling as she saw the happy banter between us.

"I'll probably be done packing within the hour contrary to what Austin thinks" I said with a laugh, his arm leaving the back of the metal chair as he placed it on my shoulder to squeeze me tightly to him. "If anything he is the one that is going to take ten hours to pack, Mr. Indecisive over here" I said rolling my eyes.

"Boy she knows you like a book doesn't she Austin" Jodie laughed as he let out a shocked gasp.

"Woah woah woah whose side are you on here Jode? When have you ever known me to be indecisive?" he asked with a laugh, leaning a little closer to the phone then normal.

"Oh I don't know everyday for the last sixteen years that I've known you" she said with a laugh as I couldn't help but smirk at him his eyes rolling playfully.

"Whatever, I see how it is. Gang up on Austin day" he said shaking his head slightly, a small smirk tugging at his lips as he quickly put his glass to his lips to hide it from view.

"You'll be okay, you're a big boy Austy" Jodie laughed. "Okay so I'll see you guys around five then?" she asked, getting herself up from the table as she started walking towards the refrigerator, no doubt getting things ready for dinner.

"That sounds perfect!" I said with a smile, leaning my head against Austin's shoulder as Trevor climbed his way into my lap, his head barely coming into view as I lowered it down for him.

"Grandma Jodie, what are we having for dinner?" Trevor asked her with a curious look on his face.

"Since it is such a special day I think I'm going to make your Daddy's favorite" she said, her eyes glancing over towards the side of the screen as I shifted Austin's phone to catch his expression.

His eyes were wide and his mouth practically salivating as he looked at her incredulously through the phone. "Si I know I promised you a great weekend, but do you think maybe it can start after we have dinner with my parents? I mean it is a special day today" he said, his hands out to the side as he looked at me, his head tilted just slightly.

"Nope absolutely not" I laughed, Jodie laughing on the other end of the phone.

"But Si we talked about this baby. It's Jodie's chicken parm!" he said with a laugh.

"Austin, you blew me off for chicken parm last time and it is not happening again. Let our son and his grandparents enjoy the rest of the day so we can go enjoy ours" I said giving him a playfully stern look.

"Fine," he said crossing his arms, his stare gazing out the window. I couldn't help but laugh as I said my goodbyes to Jodie, quickly ending the call as I sat Austin's phone back down on the table. I couldn't help but laugh at him as I stood up from my chair to clean up our table, helping Trevor get into his sweatshirt that he wore up here before walking back over to him and wrapping my arms around his neck loosely.

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