Chapter 48

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Sierra's POV

I walked into our bedroom becoming slightly nervous about our night, not even sure why since this wasn't the first time that Austin and I were going to be intimate at this level, but the reasoning behind it was making it special, giving it more of a meaning besides showing each other how much we loved and cared for one another. I wanted this to be perfect, I wanted to be perfect even though in his eyes he made it perfectly clear that I was.

Thankfully Austin loved candles and there were a plethora of them all around his room. I quickly found a lighter that was laying on the bedside table and began lighting the several candles that were sitting on almost every surface in the bedroom, all vanilla scented giving the room a relaxing and romantic glow. I looked around the room only half satisfied with the look of it before deciding that turning on the fireplace would give it the extra bit of romanticism the room needed. Not even caring that it was late August and that there was zero need for the room to be warmed. I flicked it on, happy to see that there was an option to just have the flames showing and not produce heat.

I slowly made my way to our large walk-in closet off of the bathroom, turning on the bright light as I walked over to the center island that Austin had kindly given to me since I came back. I opened up the middle drawer digging through the contents when I settled on a red teddy that was lacey on the top with a deep v cut and silky on the bottom. I leaned up against the island dresser, pulling my shirt up and over my head and removing my bra, realizing there would be no need for it, before slipping the teddy easily over my shoulders.

I smirked to myself when I saw that it rested just barely to mid thigh as I shimmied out of my shorts and panties, kicking them off to the side. I turned my attention back towards the same drawer that heavily held my attention before to find the matching panties. After what felt like several minutes too long, I pulled them out and stepped into them letting them rest delicately on my waist. Grabbing my clothes off of the floor I threw them into the wicker hamper in the corner before making my way back out to the bathroom where I plugged in my curling wand.

I applied a thin coat of foundation to my face and added several swipes of mascara to my long lashes just to give my face a I haven't been laid up in bed for weeks glow before starting to apply several thin curls to my thick hair, giving it just enough body to not let it lay limply on my head. I stepped back to take a better look in the mirror letting out a sigh as I saw my appearance. The cast really put a dent in the look I was going for, but knowing Austin I would assume that he would be able to overlook it and still think that I was one of the most beautiful girls in the world.

I let out a small laugh as I grabbed my tube of light pink lip gloss, applying some generously to my lips when my phone vibrated three times on the marble countertop. I picked it up with a smile to see that it was Austin, letting me know that he and his Dad were on their way back. I answered with a short and sweet can't wait baby before heading out towards the bedroom, smiling as the vanilla candles were doing their job of filling the room with a relaxing sweet scent as well as adding the correct amount of ambience to the room.

I sat myself on the edge of the bed, searching through my phone for just the right mix of songs, knowing that would give the perfect touch to what I was trying to create. When I happily landed on the right playlist, I connected my phone to the bluetooth speakers in his room and let it play softly in the background. I couldn't quite explain it, but I had a feeling that this was going to be the night that everything was going to go as intended.

I know it's weird to predict such a thing, as most people would go with the flow and whatever happened well... happened, but Austin and I have been through so much since we've been together and admittedly a lot of bad luck has happened since I have left and I just knew that tonight was going to be the night that would give us the best news we could hope for in the near future. I smiled to myself shyly at the thought when a pair of headlights came shining through his bedroom window making my heart beat rapidly as I started to anticipate him coming into his room.

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